UK trip 2019 (Large post)

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UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by Fink123 »

On tuesday evening we went to Calais , where we took the boat to Dover.
We arrived around 5 in the morning at Stansted where we read the following things :

Emiraten A6 Special flights 747-400 A6-HHM
747-400 A6-MMM

United states N Airforce C40B 01-0015 65th AS

C40C 02-0203 73rd ARS

After that we drove to Mildenhall where we arrived around 6 in the morning where we read the follwing :

United states N Airforce B52 60-0009 MT 69th BS

C5M 86-0026 AMC , travis 22nd AS

C-130H 91-1238 Kentucky ANG 165th AS

CV-22 08-0051 USAFE 7th SOS
CV-22 12-0063 USAFE 7th SOS

KC10 79-1950 AMC , Travis 60th AMW

KC135R 59-1513 USAFE 100TH ARW
KC135R 58-0023 New hamshere ANG 191st ARS
KC135R 60-0324 USAFE 100TH ARW
KC135R 61-0292 USAFE 100TH ARW
KC135R 62-3507 AFRC , March 336th ARS
KC135R 62-3551 USAFE 100TH ARW

KC135T 57-2605 USAFE 100TH ARW
KC135T 59-1480 AMC , Mac dill 92nd ARW

MC-130J 10--5714 USAFE 67th SOS

RC135V 62-14846 OF 38th RS

Spent the morning at Lakenheath :

Image01-2003 by joey gastel, on Flickr

This was seen :

Unites states of amerika N Airforce C5M 87-0029 AMC , Travis 22nd AS

F15C 84-0010 LN (Lakenheath) 493rd FS D-day stripes
F15C 86-0159 LN (Lakenheath) 493rd FS

F15E 01--2003 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS
F15E 91-0201 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS
F15E 91-0314 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS
F15E 91-0236 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS
F15E 91-0604 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS
F15E 96-0201 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS
F15E 98-0134 LN (Lakenheath) 492nd FS

Spend the rest of the day at Mildenhall :

Image10-5714 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image61-0292 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image79-1950 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image62-3507 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image58-0023 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image62-14846 by joey gastel, on Flickr

On Thursday we went to RAF Coninsgby , stopped at some fields around the route from the hotel to Conngsbry ,
First stop was RAF cranwell. The following was seen :

United kingdom G Airforce G120 ZM300 3FTS
G120 ZM310 3FTS
G120 ZM314 3FTS
G120 ZM319 3FTS

Afer that we went to RAF barston heath :

ImageG115'S by joey gastel, on Flickr

Noted :
United kingdom G Airforce G115 G-BYUB 6FTS

G120 ZM313 3FTS
G120 ZM316 3FTS

Phenom 1000 ZM335 45sq

Last stop before Coningsby , RAF waddington.
When we arrived a RC135 was about to depart :
ImageZZ665 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Saw the follwing :

United kingdom G Airforce E3D ZH102 Storred
E3D ZH103 54sq
E3D ZH104 54sq

RC135W ZZ665 54sqn

Than we arrived at RAF coningsby around 9 in the morning , They flew a lot! , total of 25 different numbers where seen! :

ImageZK361 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK358 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK365 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK339 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK435 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK359 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK352 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK347 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK432 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZJ931 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK371 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK358 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Ánd the numbers :
United kingdom G Airforce EF2000 ZK308 3sq
EF2000 ZK312 29sq
EF2000 ZK324 2sq
EF2000 ZK327 29sq
EF2000 ZK339 41sq
EF2000 ZK347 11sq
EF2000 ZK352 3sq
EF2000 ZK358 11sq
EF2000 ZK359 .
EF2000 ZK361 11sq
EF2000 ZK362 3sq
EF2000 ZK365 41sq
EF2000 ZK371 29sq
EF2000 ZK373 29sq
EF2000 ZK379 4sq
EF2000 ZK381 29sq
EF2000 ZK424 3sq
EF2000 ZK429 29sq
EF2000 ZK432 29sq
EF2000 ZK435 3sq
EF2000 ZJ914 29sq
EF2000 ZJ931 29sq
EF2000 ZJ937 29sq

Friday we went Back to mildenhall where they fly great for a morning :

Image13-5778 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image62-3523 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image01-0186 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image85-0004 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image61-0276 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Numbers :

United states N Airforce CV22 11-0059 7th SOS

KC135R 60-0324 USAFE 100th ARW

MC-130J 09--5713 67th SOS
MC-130J 11--5731 67th SOS
MC-130J 13--5778 67th SOS
MC-130J 13-5786 67th SOS

Friday afternoon we drove towards Fairford but first a stop at Brize northon in rainy weather :

ImageZM402 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Numbers :

United kingdom G Airforce A400M ZM402 24sq
A400M ZM403 24sq
A400M ZM415 24sq

C17A ZZ173 99sq

C-130J ZH875 47sq
C130J ZH888 47sq

Saterday 20th we visited RIAT , expected weather was rain rain rain and more rain.
The weather was beter than expected and even the suns was shining:
Let's Start with the static :

Image211 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image76683 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0995 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageMM81796 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageCC-2 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageMM62225 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image06 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageN-227 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image83+10 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image60+01 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image87 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image1115 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image140112 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image140112 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image345 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image3766 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageXX256 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZZ529 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZH840 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageF4E by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageF4E by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image99-0169 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image1962 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image169392 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image60-0004 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZJ913 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image30+25 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageE-191 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image691 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageMM7057 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image46+05 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image43+25 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image1219 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image4053 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageG-BYUH by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image53+08 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZJ964 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageE44 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageE146 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image96-0080 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image036 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageJ-5011 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageXX323 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageXX319 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageXX245 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageXX322 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageXX219 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image39268 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageRed arrows by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image6824 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image6824 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZK343 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageET-197 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image687 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageFA-57 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image31+44 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageMM55213 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZJ937 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageMM54551 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageMM54510 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageZJ181 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageVA.1B-37 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageVA.1B-24 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageAEV8B by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageHN-406 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageHN-406 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image39 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageEC-400 by joey gastel, on Flickr

ImageEC-400 by joey gastel, on Flickr

Image39 by joey gastel, on Flickr

And the numbers :

Belgie OO Airforce E145 CE-02 Special tail

F16AM FA-57 10W D-DAY
F16AM FA-101 10W Dark vader
F16AM FA-124 10W D-DAY

Canada Airforce CC-130J 130612 436sq

CP140 140112 14Th Wing

Airforce Airforce EHE101 M-519 esk722

F16AM E-191 Esk727 Special C/S

F16BM ET-197 Esk730

Duitsland Airforce A400M 54+28 LTG62

EF2000 30+25 TLG71 Specal C/S
EF2000 30+67 TLG73
EF2000 31+17 TLG73
EF2000 31+44 TLG71

P3C 60+01 MFG3

Tornado 43+25 TLG51 Special C/S
Tornado 46+05 Tlg33
Tornado 46+49 TLG51

Lynx 83+10 mfg3

Engeland G Airforce A330MRTT ZZ338 101 sq

AH64 ZJ181 653sq
AH64 ZJ308 664sq

Buldog T1 XX614
Buldog T1 XX636

C-130J ZH879 47sq

EF2000 ZJ913 11sq
EF2000 ZJ920 29sq
EF2000 ZJ924 11sq
EF2000 ZJ937 29sq
EF2000 ZK343 2sq
EF2000 ZK425 1sq

F35B ZM146 617sq


G120 ZM307 3FTS

Phenom 1000 ZM335 45sq

Puma XW224 Benson

HT1 ZM500 202sq
HT1 ZM519

HawkT1 XX177 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX188 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX219 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX232 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX242 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX244 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX245 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX310 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX319 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX321 100sq
HawkT1 XX320 Red arrows
HawkT1 XX323 Red arrows

Hawk T2 ZK020 4sq
Hawk T2 ZK027 4sq

Sentinel R1 ZJ694 5sq

Texan T1 ZM324

Tucano T1 ZF264 72sq
Tucano T1 ZF448 72sq

Viking TX1 ZE652 Storred

Army Wildcat ZZ393 1regt
Wildcat ZZ529 Yeovilton

Fleet air arm Avenger T1 ZZ502 750NAS

HawkT1 XX256 736NAS

Merlin HM2 ZH840 824NAS

Frankrijk Airforce Ajet E20 PDF
Ajet E44 PDF
Ajet E87 PDF
Ajet E113 PDF
Ajet E129 PDF
Ajet E139 PDF
Ajet E146 PDF

C-130J 5847

C135 475

E121 87

TBM700 125

Army SA342M 4053

Puma 1219 BSS

Navy E121 87

Finland OH Airforce C295 CC-2 3RHC

F18C HN-406 HALVV31
F18C HN-428 HALVV31

Griekenland G Airforce T6A 36 361MEA Special C/S

MB339A MM54510 313 Gruppo frecco tricolori
MB339A MM54519 313 Gruppo Frecco tricolori
MB339A MM54518 313 Gruppo frecco tricolori
MB339A MM54534 313 Gruppo frecco tricolori
MB339A MM54539 313 Gruppo frecco tricolori
MB339A MM54551 313 Gruppo frecco tricolori
MB339A MM54452 313 Gruppo frecco tricolori
MB339A MM54452 313 Gruppo frecco tricolori
MB339A MM55059 313 Gruppo frecco tricolori

Italie I Airforce C27-J MM62225 98 gruppo

HH-101A MM81865 81centro

HH139A MM81796 81 centro

Tornado MM7057 Gea6 stormo

T346A MM55213 212 Gruppo
T346A MT55232

Jordanie Airforce C-130H 345 Riat 2019 tail 3sq

Litouwen Airforce C27-J 6 Transporto

Nato Airforce C17A 1

Nederland PH Airforce F16BM J-368 312sq
F16AM J-646 312sq

CH-47F D-661 298 sqn

NH90 N-227 860sqn

Noorwegen Airforce F16AM 687 331skv

F16BM 691 331 SKV

Oekraine Airforce IL76 76683

SU27B 71

Pakistan Airforce C-130B 3766 6sq

Qatar A7 Airforce C17A A7-MAB 12sq

C-130J 211 12sq

Roemenie Airforce C27-J 2706 Esc 902

MIG21 6807 Esc861
MIG21 6824 Esc861

Spanje EC Airforce A400M EC-400 Airbus

EAV8B VA.1B-24 Eslla009
EAV8B VA.1B-37 Eslla009

Slowakije OM Airforce C27-J 1962

Turkije TC Airforce KC135R 57-2619

F4E ?????
F4E ??????

United states of amerika Airforce C17A 99-0169 Charleston 437th AMW

B52h 60-0048. LA 23rd BS

CV22 08-0051 USAFE 7TH SOS

F15E 00-3002 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS
F15E 91-0324 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS
F15E 92-0364 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS
F15E 96-0201 LN (Lakenheath) 494th FS

F16C 96-0080 SP (Spangdahlem) 480th FS
F16C 96-0083 SP (Spangdahlem) 480th FS

KC-10 79-1950 AMC , Travis 60th AMW

Navy P8A 169329 VP-9

Zweden LN Airforce JAS39D 39816 F7
JAS39D 39227 F7
JAS39D 39628 F7

Zwitserland HB F18 J-5011 Tiger tail
F18 J-5012

If you made it thanx for watching :clap:
Last edited by Fink123 on 26 Jul 2019, 10:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by bvdboomen »

Wow, comprehensive report so soon after the events. Well done!
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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by Stratofreighter »

Afer that we went to RAF barston heath :
...I suppose not that many enthusiasts paid this "white fleet air station" a visit last week :wink:

Always good to see a photo of a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy... 8) per March/maart 2025...
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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by Zonan »

J-368 is a F-16BM :wink:
Also, the B-52 at riat was 60-0048, not 60-0004
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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by frank kramer »

Turkish Phantoms were 77-0288 (70 years NATO) and 77-0296 (60 years 111Filo). "Last three" of the serial are on the nosewheel door :wink:
Frank Kramer

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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by Fink123 »

Zonan wrote:J-368 is a F-16BM :wink:
Also, the B-52 at riat was 60-0048, not 60-0004
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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by FredL »

The 2nd A-Jet of the Patrouille de France caught on landing is the one that overran runway yesterday in France and was seriously damaged.
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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by Bennie »

Quickly browsing through this log I noticed the Greek T-6 serial must be wrong since it should consist of 3 digits, not 2.
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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by Zonan »

Bennie wrote:Quickly browsing through this log I noticed the Greek T-6 serial must be wrong since it should consist of 3 digits, not 2.
Indeed, it is 036 ;)
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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by Fink123 »

Zonan wrote:
Bennie wrote:Quickly browsing through this log I noticed the Greek T-6 serial must be wrong since it should consist of 3 digits, not 2.
Indeed, it is 036 ;)

Yes exel removes the number 0.
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Re: UK trip 2019 (Large post)

Post by Burry »


JAS39D 39628 F7
according the checklist, this should be 39268.
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