patrick dirksen wrote:Around 9:30 three Hercs took off from Evreux: in order they were USAF 47316, BAF CH11 and RNLAF G-275. Could be your birds, but no guarantees of course.
On the subject of Evreux, there is one Maxwell Herc there. Anybody who knows which one?
saw Maxwell 19143 with D-day markings last Friday. Pix proof (with fence in front....)
G-275 C-130 Netherlands
CH-11 C-130 Belgium
1x A330 France
4x USAF C-130 tails only
140113 CP-140
6166 C-130 Romania
23284 C-130 Flying Vikings
11237 C-130 Kentucky
F-RACC Dhc-6 France
47316 C-130 AFRC (Colorado Flag)
R225 C-160 France came in around 13:30hrs
and a lot more local stuff.
If I was alone I was going for the 4x C-130 remaining unidentified, but my 6 month old daughter needed to go home. She already spend over 20hrs of plane spotting this holiday, including a full day of smiling at Caen...