Two diversions + old ATR 42 and Lynx

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Scramble Addict
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Joined: 17 Jun 2018, 20:21
Type of spotter: Military photography
Subscriber Scramble: Zonan Adolfse
Location: Between Volkel and Weeze

Two diversions + old ATR 42 and Lynx

Post by Zonan »

I was at airport Weeze from about 8:45 till 12:00 for the C560.
When I woke up I noticed the Wizz Airs holding due to fog so I went to NRN as soon as possible to catch them in case they diverted, and luckily, 2 of them did. :)
Good to see some color at the apron.

First the two Wizz Air arrivals:
ImageHA-LTF by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr
ImageHA-LYI by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr
ImageHA-LYI by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr
ImageHA-LYI by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Around 10:00 the D-CSCB arrived. I was standing near taxiway Bravo hoping to get a front shot, but sadly he backtracked and vacated Charlie.
Cycled to the GAT to catch and quickly went back to my hill for the Wizz departures.
ImageD-CSCB by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr
ImageHA-LTF by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr
ImageHA-LYI by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

D-ETFE came for some touch and go's, as did D-GTFC.
ImageD-ETFE by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

As I didn't get the Cessna front shot, I just had to go to Alpha for a Ryanair :)
ImageEI-ENV by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Thought to post this one as well, nice to see the old RAF Laarbruch stuff in the back :)
ImageEI-ENV by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Finally I went to take a look at the fire training location, and I didn't know these two beauties were there.
ImageOY-CHT by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr
ImageXZ669 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Regards, Zonan
Last edited by Zonan on 22 Mar 2019, 21:09, edited 1 time in total.
Buccaneer S.2B
Scramble Die-Hard
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Re: Two diversions + old ATR 42 and Lynx

Post by Buccaneer S.2B »

Nice pictures, well done !
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