Hungarian Air Force Falcon at Weeze

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Scramble Addict
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Posts: 1556
Joined: 17 Jun 2018, 20:21
Type of spotter: Military photography
Subscriber Scramble: Zonan Adolfse
Location: Between Volkel and Weeze

Hungarian Air Force Falcon at Weeze

Post by Zonan »

A quick hop to NRN as this HUAF Falcon 7X was approaching.
As I got near it, it was already starting their engines, so I was just in time.
I'm happy to have seen the first military aircraft of the year at Weeze :)

Image606 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Regards, Zonan
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michel N
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Re: Hungarian Air Force Falcon at Weeze

Post by michel N »

Nice one (and a nice parking spot for such visitors)
flown in: Things with wings
Scramble Addict
Scramble Addict
Posts: 1556
Joined: 17 Jun 2018, 20:21
Type of spotter: Military photography
Subscriber Scramble: Zonan Adolfse
Location: Between Volkel and Weeze

Re: Hungarian Air Force Falcon at Weeze

Post by Zonan »

Yup, Weeze has amazing spotting locations.
Too bad there aren't a lot of movements :/
Buccaneer S.2B
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Re: Hungarian Air Force Falcon at Weeze

Post by Buccaneer S.2B »

Nice bird and picture, but a pity it's completely in toned down 'colours'.
Scramble Addict
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Type of spotter: Military photography
Subscriber Scramble: Zonan Adolfse
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Re: Hungarian Air Force Falcon at Weeze

Post by Zonan »


today we got the second Hungarian Air Force aircraft, this time an A319
Woke up "early" to catch it :)

Image605 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr
Image605 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr
Image605 by Zonan Adolfse, on Flickr

Regards, Zonan
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