USA & Canada - September 2018

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USA & Canada - September 2018

Post by Derice »

In September I've done a roadtrip through the US & Canada.
During my trip I (partially unexpected) encountered some unique aircraft in Pincher Creek & Red Deer.
My trip ended in Seattle, everyone here will proably know what I visisted there. ;-)

A (too) small selection of my photogrhaps are in this post.
The rest you can find at (note: the bulk of the pictures are from the 7 National Parks I visited).

ImageClouds in the approach to Dallas

ImageLanding at Salt Lake City

ImageLockheed Electra (Airspray) - Pincher Creek

ImageLockheed Electra (Buffalo Airways)

ImageLockheed Electra (Airspray)

#6: - Who can tell me what type of aircraft this used to be?!
ImageDerelict at Red Deer

ImageTurkish Airlines Boeing 777F

ImageBoeing Dreamlifter (747)

ImageThe world's 1st Boeing 747 (N7470)

#10: - Nothing to do with Aviation, but I wanted to share this anyway. Once of the most beautiful thing I've seen during my trip!
ImageGrand Prismatic Overlook in Yellowstone

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Re: USA & Canada - September 2018

Post by pjotrtje »

I’d say your mystery aircraft is a lockheed model 12... And what a decent bunch of KC-46s you encountered!
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Re: USA & Canada - September 2018

Post by janneman36 »

I’d say your mystery aircraft is a lockheed model 12.
This is definitely a Lockheed PV-1 Ventura as it has a ventral gunners position and the Hudson style cockpit..

Nice trip report !!

Cheers, Jan
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Re: USA & Canada - September 2018

Post by Derice »

janneman36 wrote:
I’d say your mystery aircraft is a lockheed model 12.
This is definitely a Lockheed PV-1 Ventura as it has a ventral gunners position and the Hudson style cockpit..

Nice trip report !!

Cheers, Jan
Looks like you are right.
Found this image also of one being restored in Edmonton: ... 24171.html
Looks very similar indeed.

Bonus question: What is the registration of the one I found? ;-)
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Re: USA & Canada - September 2018

Post by Derice »

Found the regi: CF-FAV

Guess they abandoned the restoration project.
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