Basevisit Geilenkirchen 25-10-2018

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Basevisit Geilenkirchen 25-10-2018

Post by mirage 69 »

Last thursday i had an visit with Panoravia at Geilenkirchen.
Weather was not that good but it was still dry....

















Unfortunatly only one movement on this morning besides the H-135 from the Bundespolizei.
LX-N90453 left when we were getting on the bus towards the flightline.
Thank you NAEW&CF and especially to Capt Neckermann for showing us around!

Grtz Rene
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Re: Basevisit Geilenkirchen 25-10-2018

Post by Bennie »

There were times when taking (flightline) images at Frisbee was a definite NO..... Good to see times have changed! 8)
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Re: Basevisit Geilenkirchen 25-10-2018

Post by mirage 69 »

Yes sometimes we're lucky.
In the afternoon we spent some time at Norvenich.
But before we drove to Norvenich we did visit the MiG-23 at Zulpich.
After that we drove to Norvenich 25 landing.
From the fence you can se all the action, t.o. landing and even pictures on the taxiway are possible.










At 16.00hrs all the 6 EF-2000's were back, when the last two EF-2000 were in the approach the SAR UH-1D went out for a mission.
We decide to go home, but with a little detour.

First we did take a look at Hangelar but the most helicopters were already inside. (almost 17.00hrs)


Just before it's getting dark we reached Koln-Bonn to take a look at the FBS .


Nice airplane for me this new "Merkel taxi". Bad picture i know but we didn't expected to see this one.

Grtz Rene
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Re: Basevisit Geilenkirchen 25-10-2018

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

Lucky times have changed. I remember a visit with SGHK and GRAS, where we had strict instructions for not even bringing cameras along. Fortunately we found a nice guide to make us"some" pictures.
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Re: Basevisit Geilenkirchen 25-10-2018

Post by Sowald »

From which spot on the Scramble airfield guide did you take these pics at Norvenich?
Great shots.
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Re: Basevisit Geilenkirchen 25-10-2018

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

Should be spot no. 1
Is indeed a great spot.
You have to walk a bit to get the hangar shots.
All easy to reach.
Normally there are a few locals hanging around, so you could ask advice.
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Re: Basevisit Geilenkirchen 25-10-2018

Post by mirage 69 »

Sowald wrote:From which spot on the Scramble airfield guide did you take these pics at Norvenich?
Great shots.
The shots are taken from the open spot in the hedge just under the approachlights. From there you can take pictures in front of the shelter and at "last chance" . The landing shots are made from the crashgate.

Grtz Rene
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