after my trip to Alaska last summer I decided to fly home via Las Vegas, mainly because Red Flag 18-3 would be on and the Colombian Kfirs were expected. I don't like the extreme summer heat, but what do you do. In the end there were some extreme weather warnings broadcast on tv, with temperatures well in the 110s (45°C). Anyway, the Kfirs showed up, and so did some extra Colombians.

Apart from these nice visitors, the RF was very normal and yielded only a few of the standard types. I was happy with the BUFFs though.

Loosely from old to new:

Still not a bad stopover, and good to talk to some real Americans again, better than all the hyped up stories on tv.
A few more photos are on my site. More to follow (one day), this was just a quick selection because I couldn't find another photo report on this forum.