Base visit Beja 601 squadron "lobos" 28-8-2018

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Base visit Beja 601 squadron "lobos" 28-8-2018

Post by seahawk12 »

After 1,5 year i managed to get an invitation to visit air base Beja and 601 sqn. Start that day on Schiphol 5:45 hour take off to Faro, around 8:00 hours (local time) arrival and rent a car. 150 km and 1,5 hour later i came to the gate of base 11 Beja. On the ramp of 601 sqn. two orions (14807 former 300 dutch navy and 14808 former 304 dutch navy) . In the hangar 14809 (former 306 dutch navy). One orion was at OGMA and the last one i don't know and the pilot who was showing the base did not know. After a nice visit to 601 sqn. we drove to the dump area. After that the A-jet 15201 was seen some were on base and the gate guards (T-33, T-38 and german silver F-104). Plenty of time before returning home (flight from Faro to Amsterdam 20:00 hours). The weather was good, 32 C. A quick drive (In Portugal the roads are very quiet) to the coast and a dive in the Atlantic Ocean and a burger and beer on the beach. Nice day and nice visit. Back on Schiphol airport 23:00 hours. Some photo's ... (later more)
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Re: Base visit Beja 601 squadron "lobos" 28-8-2018

Post by CR-74050 »

Nice visit!
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Re: Base visit Beja 601 squadron "lobos" 28-8-2018

Post by catbird »

Nice shots seahawk, bring memory's to EHVB
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Re: Base visit Beja 601 squadron "lobos" 28-8-2018

Post by Shirley »

Nice little visit indeed!
Do you have an overview of what you saw on the dump? I'm still looking to tie up some missing numbers from my visit in May to Beja.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Base visit Beja 601 squadron "lobos" 28-8-2018

Post by Bennie »

catbird wrote:Nice shots seahawk, bring memory's to EHVB
................and to T-33s and T-38s on the sunny flightlines! :wink:
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Re: Base visit Beja 601 squadron "lobos" 28-8-2018

Post by seahawk12 »

Seen at dump: A-jet: 15204, 15213, 15219, 15227, 15229, 15230, 15233, 15237, 15239 + 2 no tail
T-33: 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1924, 1927
C212: 2 without tail and wings, one with nr 53 on nose
F104 silver no markings only german cross.
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