Earlier this year I made a two-week spotting trip, once again to the south western part of the United States, to enjoy blue skies, perfect winter light, mild temperatures, a beautiful desert scenery and of course some interesting aircraft.
Even in this extremely dry area near the Mexican border, the weather can be tricky this time of the year. So I monitored the weather forecast closely and booked the tickets only a few days in advance (for a surprisingly affordable price). As a result, I ended up with sunshine for about 90% of the time.
Anyway, here are some of the MIL highlights (CIV highligts will be posted in a separate topic). The entire photo collection as well as my trip report can be found at my website http://www.aviaspotters.nl.
1. Alamogordo - NM

2. Las Cruces - NM

3. El Paso - TX

4. Phoenix Mesa Gateway - AZ

5. Phoenix Mesa Gateway - AZ

6. Phoenix Mesa Gateway - AZ

7. El Centro - CA

8. El Centro - CA

9. Tucson - AZ

10. Tucson- AZ

11. Tucson - AZ

12. Tucson - AZ

13. Tucson - AZ