Copenhagen-Kastrup 12-02-2018

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Scramble Senior
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Joined: 04 Jan 2008, 17:07
Type of spotter: Photography
Subscriber Scramble: Anton Homma
Location: NL

Copenhagen-Kastrup 12-02-2018

Post by LifelinerOne »

Hej everybody,

work brought me, once again, to Malmö in Sweden. The most convenient is to fly to Copenhagen and then take the train. Before doing so, I had some time to do some spotting. It was very crappy weather, so the pictures aren't the best. All were taken at the end of the B-pier. As for the planes, there wasn't many new to photograph, but I did some catching up on Norwegians B737-800's and Irish SAS CRJ-900's.

1. Wizz is a quite new operating into Copenhagen. They were already flying to closeby Malmö.
ImageA320-WZZ-HALWC-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. One of my new Irish B737-800's from Norwegian:
ImageB738-NOR-EIFJY-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. Rather white ATR42 from Danish Air Transport:
ImageATR42-DAT-OYRUO-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

4. The A319's of Atlantic Airways are now also sporting the new livery with the large billboard "FAROE ISLANDS" titles at the back of the plane:
ImageA319-ATL-OYRCG-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

5. Zayed is waving friendly from "his" A380:
ImageA388-EKA-A6EUZ-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

6. SAS has established a new Irish subsidiary and equipped them with new A320neos, like this EI-SIA:
ImageA320N-SAS-EISIA-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

7. Another plane from the Middle-East was this Qatar B787-8:
ImageB788-QTR-A7BCV-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

8. This DAT ATR has a little more color...
ImageATR72-DAT-OYLHC-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

9. Air Nostrum is operating several flights for SAS with this CRJ-900, sporting Iberia Regional livery:
ImageCRJ9-NOS-ECJZT-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

10. And I end my set with this Luxair DHC-8-400Q, something I don't catch very often.
ImageDHC84-LUX-LXLGG-CPH12feb18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

Hope you liked this small selection. You can find all 35 pictures at: ... 741747007/

Cheers! :wave:
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