Zurich 26-01-2018

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Scramble Senior
Scramble Senior
Posts: 461
Joined: 04 Jan 2008, 17:07
Type of spotter: Photography
Subscriber Scramble: Anton Homma
Location: NL

Zurich 26-01-2018

Post by LifelinerOne »


time for my third installment of my WEF pelgrimage. I stayed the whole day at the approach of runway 14.

1. The first plane to capture was this Turkish A330F:
ImageA332F-THY-TCJOY-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. Always a treat and so pretty, the C-32A's of the USAF:
ImageC32A-USAF-980001-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. Global Express from Hong Kong:
ImageBD700-PVT-BKMF-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

4. Nice AirX CL-850:
ImageCL8-PVT-9HBOO-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

5. Very pretty livery on this Embraer Lineage 1000:
ImageE190-PVT-N527AH-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

6. Lot's of Saudi planes today. I already missed three Gulfstreams, which arrived in the dark, but this BBJ2 was also nice:
ImageBBJ-PVT-HZHR5-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

7. Like the livery on this Falcon 7X:
ImageDA7X-PVT-OOGPP-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

8. Always nice to see something different than the A320-family planes of Aeroflot:
ImageB738-AFL-VPBZA-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

9. Also almost always present at every WEF is this South Korean BBJ:
ImageBBJ-PVT-HL7227-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

10. I like the bandid mask on this Falcon 7X:
ImageDA7X-PVT-HBJFQ-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

11. My second Indian Global Express arriving:
ImageBD700-PVT-VTKJB-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

12. One of my personal highlights at this year's WEF, this USCG C-37B:
ImageC37B-USCG-02-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

13. Another Saudi plane to pick up delegates; this B777-300/ER from Saudi Arabian Airlines:
ImageB773-SVA-HZAK44-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

14. The second C-32A of the USAF, arriving. Sadly the same as the day before:
ImageC32A-USAF-090016-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

15. The livery on this G650 reminds me of Zarkani Air Service....
ImageG6-PVT-N8833-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

16. Nice little Legacy from Poland:
ImageE135-PVT-SPDLB-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

17. I already photographed this fellow at Luton, but still nice to see again:
ImageA319CJ-PVT-P4MGU-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

18. From Poland with love:
ImageE175-PAF-SPLIG-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

19. By far the most interesting Saudi visitor for me this day was this A330-200CJ:
ImageA332CJ-PVT-HZSKY2-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

20. A nice change from all the bizjet stuff was this RAM B737-800 in 60 years livery:
ImageB738-RAM-CNRGV-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

21. Another Legacy, this time from Turkey:
ImageE135-PVT-TCDIA-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

22. Seen this one before...
ImageC40B-USAF-010041-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

23. Bye Donald!
ImageVC25A-USAF-929000-ZRH26jan18 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

That's it! Hope you liked my pictures from Zurich.

Cheers! :wave:
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