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Post by network71 »

Malta ATC - 09/10/2012 via Live.ATC
FORTE 10 [RQ-4B 9th OG] , 21.51z with Malta ATC , from LICZ via AGARI at FL570 , report when leaving LR38 >
southbound to Libya airspace

QUID 82 [KC-135R/T 351st ARS/100th ARW] , 22.20z with Malta ATC , via GZO , FL270 > DEMAG > eastbound >
123.625 Malta ATC West > Athens ATC > probably come back to LGSA

JIGSAW 02 [RQ-4B 9th OG] , 22.33z with Malta ATC , from Libya airspace > northbound > to corridor 02 > Brindisi Control >
come back to LICZ


JIGSAW 02 = RQ-1 Reaper [9th OG] not RQ-4B [9th OG]
Many thanks to Kenny [MilRadioComms group] for help & co-operation.
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 11th LMMM:
17.33 VVPS112 (P-3C USN) VFR operational FL235. Change 129.2
19.18 FORTE10 (RQ-4B 9th OG) sq 5240, block FL500-600. 19.33 at pilot's discretion descend FL400. 19.47 Roma 122.350
19.22 MEDEX528 (C-26D 900528? USN) touch and go (at Luqa). 19.25 after next T&G IFR back to Sigonella. 19.29 contact DEPARTURE 128.150,
passing 3500ft for 5000ft dir Gozo, climb FL140 dir NELDA.
19.28 VVPS111 (P-3C USN) continue IFR to PIMOR, climb FL240. 19.38 Brindisi 135.425
23.38 VVPS113 (P-3C USN) FL215, cancel IFR, continue VFR operational. Stay in contact with Malta VHF 123.625 or UHF 284.5

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 12th:
TREND31/41/51 on the move over the Mediterranean, from Malta FIR into Brindisi FIR, not sure where they'll end up, TREND 51 flt direct Sigonella-> TRP (Trapani).
Hard to hear due to disturbed transmission, but think TREND51 was confirmed as 3 A10's.
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Razor23 »

trend flight of A10s went lajes.
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 12th LMMM
09.07 BLUE21 (KC-10A 79-0434 305 AMW) Orbit over ARLOS FL280. 09.37 Athens 124.625
10.14 BLUE21 (KC-10A 79-0434 305 AMW) block FL260-280 (with CUBE21 flt, 2x F-15E 366 FW). 10.51 Brindisi 135.425
10.57 RCH972 (C-17A 99-0165 445 AMW) dir ARLOS, 11.36 Athens 124.625
11.11 BLUE89 (KC-135R 62-3499 351 ARS) block FL150-220
12.14 TREND31 (A-10? USAF) Brindisi 135.425
12.14 TREND41 (A-10? USAF) 12.29 Brindisi 135.425.
12.17 BLUE99 (KC-135R 61-0304 351 ARS) contact Athens 124.625
12.26 BLUE07 (?KC-10A 86-0028 305 AMW?) (shows as GOLD07?) req climb FL390 after refuelling with TREND51 flt. Climb FL340 Dir UPLIT, SENTI.
TREND51 continue to Sigonella, TRP, block FL210-230. TREND41/51 dir SUBOK, ERNAM. 12.33 BLUE07 proceed dir UPLIT, 12.56 climb FL380, 13.22 Roma 128.8, dir SENTI.
12.31 TREND51 (A-10 USAF) ready for split-up from BLUE07. Confirmed as 3 A10's. Dir SUBOK, FL210-230, sq 5243.
12.47 AS9315 (SA.316B AS9315 Malta Air Wing)
13.23 RCH289 (C-17A 04-4135 305 AMW) FL340
13.31 VVPS121 (P-3C USN) FL265 dir ERNAM. Req IFR clearance dir ERNAM, FL260

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 13th LMMM:
10.27 RRR3727 (Tristar ZD952 216 Sq) 10.36 GOZO 3D dep climb FL140, 10.38 Malta 130.975 climb FL320
11.13 DF12 (EP-3E USN) app ARLOS, cancel IFR climb FL205
13.28 PS138 (P-3C USN) FL195 VFR to ERNAM. request IFR clearance back to Sigonella. Dir SUBOK, climb FL200. 14.00 Brindisi 135.425
18.34 RH01 (C-2A? USN) sq 2657, 18.41 Brindisi 135.425
18.58 RCH707 (C-5A 69-0012 167 AW/WV ANG) FL340 dir UPLIT. Req/climb FL360
19.27 RSF3597 (C-130H 474 RSAF) Malta 123.625, dir DEMAG FL250. 20.28 Athens 124.625
20.15 DF12 (EP-3E USN) req IFR flightplan, FL230, proceed tot ARLOS. 20.20 Athens 124.625

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 14th LMMM:
10.49 RH01 (C-2A? USN) climb FL200, proceed to SUBOK. 11.44 Brindisi 135.425
11.13 RCH800 (C-17A 02-1104 62 AW) SUBOK dir DEMAG. 11.41 Athens 124.625
11.25 KL13 (EP-3E USN) FL190. 11.30 Benghazi 129.2
11.52 BLUE51 (KC-10A 84-0188 305 AMW) SUBOK-> ERNAM. 12.36 Roma 133.250
13.51 PS148 (P-3C USN) 57M SE of SUBOK, sq 7100. Request IFR back to Navy Sigonella, FL240. Proceed dir ERNAM
18.25 PS141 (P-3C USN) contact Benghazi 129.2
19.23 KL13 (EP-3E USN) dir ARLOS, PLH. Descend FL250. 19.30 Athens 124.625
21.21 VVPR410 (EP-3E VQ-1?) Descend FL150

October 15th LMMM:
13.23 ..11 (? US) confirmed as B707, dir ARLOS, PLH, dest Souda Bay.
15.25 CNV3103 (C-130T 165379 VR-64) FL240 dir SUBOK
15.47 PS151 (P-3C USN) VFR FL245 dir ERNAM. Request IFR pickup return to Sigonella. Descend FL240, sq 2415.
17.43 HKY140 (C-130J-30 07-8614 37 AS) dir DEMAG, 18.10 Athens 124.625
18.08 AFP79 (C-295M 16705 Esq502)
18.10 RCH214 (C-17A 07-7172 60 AMW) FL370. 19.10 Athens 124.625
22.09 FE45 (EP-3E USN) FL255, like to pick up IFR clearance to LGSA, FL250. Still in Benghazi FIR, cleared in Malta FIR. Confirm P3?

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)

Callsigns P-3C's operating out of Sigonella seem to follow the date, October 15th PS15x, October 14th PS14x, etc.
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 16th LMMM:
10.03 GOLD41 flt (KC-10A 86-0038 60 AMW) block FL260-280. 10.37 Athens 124.625
12.19 CNV6622 (? USN) dir DEMAG
12.46 FORTE10 (RQ-4B 9th OG) block FL500-600 dir LORED.
16.35 DEMA121 (C-130J-30 211/A7-MAH? QEAF) 17.49 Descend FL260
18.05 PS162 (P-3C USN) FL215 VFR operational. Climb FL255, entering Libya FIR, contact Benghazi 129.2
19.33 PS161 (P-3C USN) sq 2562 continue FL285. 20.00 Brindisi 135.425
20.22 FORTE10 (RQ-4B 9th OG) sq 2652 FL540 to LORED. Descend FL400 into TC1 corridor. 20.48 Sigonella APP 119.250
22.44 HKY762 (C-130J-30 08-8601 37 AS) 23.07 Malta 123.625 FL270 dir DEMAG.
22.55 RCH331 (C-17A 09-9208 437 AW) dir UPLIT.
22.58 RCH735 (C-17A 07-7170 436 AW) Roma 128.8

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 17th LMMM:
11.24 NATO12 (E-3A LX-N90452 NAEWF) FL310 dir PAN
11.38 LK32 (EP-3E USN) proceeding operational to the South, contact next sector 129.2. 11.42 indentified as P3, FL205 exiting Malta FIR, contact Benghazi 129.2.
14.44 CROW02 (MC-12W 09-0655 489 RS) dir SUBOK. 15.11 Brindisi 135.425 *
15.00 RAVEN02 (MC-12W 09-0684 489 RS) dir SUBOK.*
15.10 RCH539 (C-17A 01-0196 437 AW) climb FL340->370 dir ARLOS
17.45 PS171 (P-3C USN) VFR operational
20.37 LK32 (EP-3E USN) FL235 to ARLOS, request IFR to LGSA (Souda) FL230. 20.40 Athens 124.625

* To Sigonella, see also topic: http://forum.scramble.nl/viewtopic.php?f=86&t=89937

October 18th LMMM:
11.10 RCH615 (C-17A 94-0067 437 AW) climb FL370. 11.53 Athens 124.625
11.10 QID89 (KC-135R 63-7979 351 ARS) app ARLOS, req direct N 33 30, E 23 00. Will be refuelling with one other aircraft. 11.14 contact Benghazi 129.2
11.36 DF21 (EP-3E? USN) Will be entering the Libyan FIR in 1 minute, contact Benghazi 129.2. QID aircraft is to the south.
11.43 NATO12 (E-3A LX-N90452 NAEWF) sq 1600, to SUBOK FL300. Inbound Brindisi FIR, lefthand circular pattern area I8 lob 3, maintain FL300.
14.06 NATO12 (E-3A LX-N90452 NAEWF) leaving the area.
22.39 RCH615 (C-17A 94-0067 437 AW) descend FL300 by SUBOK. 22.46 Brindisi 135.425

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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by persian_eye »

1245 utc

Malta ATC

VVPD567 (EP-3E? US Navy)
-AIRCRAFT:....is level 285...
-ATC: confirm a squawk is 4002 and level 285

(A lot of noise in the transmission)

11.38 LK32 (EP-3E USN) proceeding operational to the South, contact next sector 129.2. 11.42 indentified as P3, FL205 exiting Malta FIR, contact Benghazi 129.2.
May be is really P-3C?
LK - it's tail code VP-26
LK P-3C Tridents NAS Brunswick, Maine CPRW-5.

Link to document APPENDIX-23:http://www.history.navy.mil/download/history/app23.pdf
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

persian_eye wrote:19/10/12
1245 utc

Malta ATC

VVPD567 (EP-3E? US Navy)
-AIRCRAFT:....is level 285...
-ATC: confirm a squawk is 4002 and level 285

(A lot of noise in the transmission)

11.38 LK32 (EP-3E USN) proceeding operational to the South, contact next sector 129.2. 11.42 indentified as P3, FL205 exiting Malta FIR, contact Benghazi 129.2.
May be is really P-3C?
LK - it's tail code VP-26
LK P-3C Tridents NAS Brunswick, Maine CPRW-5.

Link to document APPENDIX-23:http://www.history.navy.mil/download/history/app23.pdf
VVPD567 (EP-3E? US Navy) Was heard proceeding to Sigonella, could very well be a VP-9 P-3C operating out of Sigonella (http://www.maltaspotting.com shows 157319/PD at Luqa back in August. Sigonella based P-3C's show up at Luqa from time to time for practice approaches).
LK32 Think this is a EP-3E operating out of Souda Bay. Can be heard almost daily, always using a 2 characters/2 digits callsign like DF21, LK32, FE45, KL13, etc.
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 20th LMMM:
11.22 CNV6061 (C-9B 160050 VR-52) 11.29 contact RADAR 128.15, passing 2000ft for 5000ft dir LORED. Climb FL160, dir NELDA, 11.39 contact Catania 119.250
11.52 BLUE62 (KC-135R 59-1510 92 ARW) over OMARA waiting for BLUE61. Request climb to FL280 to rejoin BLUE61. 12.46 contact Brindisi 135.425
11.59 BLUE61 (KC-10A? USAF) block FL260-280
12.29 BLUE71 (KC-10A? USAF) passing BLUE61, FL260-280. 12.57 climb FL290, FL360. 13.12 Roma 133.250
12.35 BLUE72 (KC-135R 63-8030 203 ARS/HI ANG) block FL260-280, wait at OMARA for rendezvous with BLUE71, orbit over OMARA. 12.45 rejoined with BLUE71. 13.08 Brindisi 135.425
13.07 CFC4400 (CC-130J-30 130604 436 Sq) contact Brindisi 135.425
13.29 PS208 (P-3C USN) FL285 VFR
13.52 IAM4161 (Br.1150 41 St) radarcontact
14.52 CNV620W (? USN) SUBOK-> DEMAG, climb FL330
15.25 DRAGON51 (U-2S 80-1093 99 RS) radarcontact FL600
15.27 CNV6321 (? USN) FL250, app SUBOK dir DEMAG
17.20 CNV620W (? USN) sir SUBOK, FL320
17.23 JIGSAW04 (M/RQ-1 USAF) entering Tripoli airspace, contact Benghazi 129.2
18.02 FORTE10 (RQ-4B 9th OG) block FL510-600
18.27 CNV6321 (? USN) FL240 app DEMAG, 19.07 Brindisi 135.425
18.32 TAF31 (? Tunisian AF) dir CBN, 18.48 Tunis 132.550
19.18 RCH479 (C-17A 10-0213 437 AW) Roma 128.8
20.28 RCH949 (KC-10A 83-0081 405 AMW) FL360 proceed dir SUBOK. Descend FL300 by SUBOK, route to ERNAM, 21.08 Brindisi 135.425
21.07 VVPS202 (P-3C USN) released to Benghazi 129.2
22.10 JIGSAW02 (M/RQ-1 USAF) over INDOT FL150, cleared to Sigonella
23.42 PS203 (P-3C USN) FL210 VFR. 23.46 cancel IFR, VF operational FL235
23.52 FORTE10 (RQ-4B 9th OG) climb block FL500-600. 00.08 resolving some minor issues, orbit present position, continue climb FL500-600. 00.54 FORTE10 is OAT (operational) at this time.
01.19 PS202 (P-3C USN) FL265, request IFR clearance to LICZ (Sigonella) FL260. 01.38 Brindisi 135.425

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 21st LMMM:
10.29 RRR3723 (Tristar ZD952 216 Sq) GOZO 3D departure from Luqa, climb FL140 dir ADEXI. 10.44 Malta Radar 130.975, climb FL320, final FL360. 10.53 Roma 128.8
10.36 QID89 (KC-135R 62-3499 351 ARS) FL240 dir RESNO. Dir 33 30[N], 23 00[E]. 10.47 Benghazi 129.2
11.30 CNV6422 (? USN) passing FL234 for FL250, proceed dir DEMAG. 11.58 Athens 124.625.
11.47 QID89 (KC-135R 62-3499 351 ARS) 20M NW of ARLOS FL250, 11.50 Athens 124.625
12.15 BLUE94 flt (KC-10A? USAF) block FL260-280
12.53 BLUE95 (KC-135R 62-3575 22 ARW) Roma 133.250
13.02 RCH577 (C-5B 85-0005 436 AW) 13.11 Athens 124.625
13.32 PS218 (P-3C USN) FL285 VFR
13.38 JIGSAW02 (R/MQ-1 USAF) FL130 southbound
13.39 VVPS211 (P-3C USN) FL265. 14.05 Brindisi 135.425
15.33 TIRE14 (E-8C? 116 ACW) FL310 over RASNO, sq 2057. Dir ARLOS, descend FL150. 15.40 Athens 124.625
16.37 PS212 (P-3C USN) FL205 VFR operational
19.02 JIGSAW04 (R/MQ-1 USAF) remain FL140 at LORED for 20 min. 19.31 entered holding point S of LORED, FL140. 19.50 Catania 119.250
19.07 FORTE10 (RQ-4B 99 OG) sq 3421, request IFR clearance 35N, 15E, FL570
19.16 RCH182 (KC-10A 79-1947 305 AMW) climb FL410, 19.54 Athens 124.625
19.28 FORTE10 (RQ-4B 99 OG) dir LORED, TC1-> Sigonella. Request FL400, FL370, contact Roma 234.375
20.15 JIGSAW02 (R/MQ-1 USAF) radarcontact. 21.22 contact Catania APP 119.250
20.22 RCH051 (KC-10A 79-1950 60 AMW) FL390, 20.32 Malta 123.625, continue to ARLOS.

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by network71 »

October 24th , LMMM :

SKIP 11 or similar c/s , at 11.17z , with Malta ATC at FL250 to ARLOS > eastbound > req descend FL110
probably destination Souda Bay AB .

SKIP 11 = maybe C-130 or P-3

REACH 646 , at 11.34z with Malta ATC , route SUBOK > ARLOS > eastbound at FL410


update :

Correct callsign is HISS 11 not SKIP.
HISS 11 = E-8C from/to Souda Bay AB probably operating in the North of Africa continent.
Many thanks for help & co-operation to Rich (FighterControl.co.uk).

Thanks also to Wolbie about REACH 646.

Last edited by network71 on 24 Oct 2012, 18:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LOG Malta ATC

Post by Wolbie »

October 22nd LMMM:
09.29 VVPS221 (P-3C USN) 09.58 Benghazi 129.2
09.57 RCH865 (C-17A 09-9208 437 AW) FL340 dir UPLIT, SENTI (westbound)
11.14 MEDEX530 (C-25D 900530 USN) after the approach [@ Luqa] climb 2500 ft, req final FL120.
18.20 PS222 (P-3C USN) continuing VFR
18.32 CNV31 (C-130T? USN) Brindisi 135.425
22.29 LION438 (C-130J-30 08-8603 37 AS) maintain FL230

October 23rd LMMM:
11.15 TREND54 (? USAF) FL250 dir SUBOK
18.14 VVPS232 (P-3C USN) switching Benghazi 129.2
19.31 PS231 (P-3C USN) FL265 dir ERNAM, sq 0905, req IFR pickup to Sigonella, FL260. 19.53 Brindisi 135.425

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)
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