LOG Athens ATC

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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Wolbie »

April 18th, 07.02z:
BLUE51 (KC-135R 59-1509 134 ARW) to Souda
BLUE52 (KC-135R 58-0009 128 ARW) in formation with BLUE84 (KC-135R 57-1453 1167 ARW). BLUE52 also to Souda.
BLUE84 in formation with HAVOC11 (didn't catch aircrafttype unfortunately). HAVOC11 in contact with Athens, FL330, 45M NW of METRU (dir Cairo FIR, eastbound)
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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Wolbie »

April 17th LGGG:
10.00 HAF356K (C-130 356 MTM) FL210, 10.04 Athens 125.2
10.02 HRK40D (C-130 356 MTM) continue to Rhodos
10.02 HRK102C (C-130 356 MTM) FL110, 10M NE of Heraklion, dir Karpathos
10.04 TIGER51 (F-16 335 Mira)
10.08 BLUE51 (KC-135R 59-1509 134 ARW) FL390, to Souda
10.02 RCH197 (C-5A 69-0010 164 AW)
11.31 STAR35 (F-16 343 Mira) MILOS-> Heraklion-> Souda. 11.41 Heraklion 123.975
11.31 CTM1039 (A310 F-RADC/418 ET03.060) 11.51 Cairo 127.7
11.45 SPAR91 (C-21A 76 AS) 12.21 Athens 125.2 / 15.28 Athens 124.625 dir TRL climbing FL360
12.16 CNV6061 (C-26D 900531 USN) proceed to PLH. Descend FL150
12.28 RSF603 (C-130H 472 RSAF) dir TRL, maintain FL200 (to Warton)
12.32 FAF9050 (E-3F EDACA0.0036) Athens 134.325 FL340, sq 2027, dir TIGRA. 13.13 Brindisi 128.3
12.53 RCH540 (KC-10A 84-0189 305 AMW) FL400
12.59 KAF3213 (L100-30 Kuwait AF) maintaining FL210 app BELIX, sq 1220. 14.03 Athens 127.975
14.08 RRR6644 (C-17A ZZ177 99 Sq) FL310 dir PLH
14.47 FORTE10 (RQ-4B 9 RW) block FL500-600 dir ARLOS. 14.59 Malta 123.625
15.53 RCH301 (KC-135R 62-3569 22 ARW) FL340
16.44 HRK69A (C-130 356 MTM) FL110, 16.52 Athens 124.625
17.30 IAM4671 (C-130J 46 BA) FL270, 17.49 Athens 124.625, proceeding to MIL. 18.20 Athens 125.2 dir ASTIS. 18.40 Athens 126.125
17.37 HRK69B (C-130 356 MTM) climbing 4000ft -> FL110, destination Souda. 17.45 Souda 118.125
17.38 RCH861 (C-5B 87-0044 60 AMW) Athens 124.625
18.11 STATE77 (? USAF) Malta 123.625
18.51 IAM4673 (C-130J 46 BA) FL270->290, proceed to TRL. 19.35 Athens 125.2, 20.24 Nicosia 125.5
19.01 HRK69C (C-130 356 MTM) N of Souda FL100->120, dir BADEL. 19.14 Athens APP 132.975
19.24 IAM4675 (C-130J 46 BA) sq 0207 app RUTOM, FL270->290. 20.09 Athens 125.2, 20.59 Nicosia 125.5
19.44 SVF802 (Tp84 84004 F7) FL200 dir SOREV, 20.29 Athens APP 132.975
20.54 PEGASUS71B (C-27J 354 MTM) climb FL140 proceed Aegina.
21.22 IAM3150 (? 31 St) sq 2035 FL350 METRU-> LORNO. 22.17 Roma 133.250
22.37 IAM4671 (C-130J 46 BA) FL260

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)
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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Oscar01 »


Blues took off from Souda Bay at 05.00z. After AR with Havoc11, they landed at Souda again. However, they are due to depart again at 15.30z to refuel Havok11 on his way back home.

Think Quids will launch tonight as well (last night they were 83/84).

Long mission for the Barksdale guys....

Ps: Havoc11 is a B-52 :mrgreen:
Wolbie wrote:April 18th, 07.02z:
BLUE51 (KC-135R 59-1509 134 ARW) to Souda
BLUE52 (KC-135R 58-0009 128 ARW) in formation with BLUE84 (KC-135R 57-1453 1167 ARW). BLUE52 also to Souda.
BLUE84 in formation with HAVOC11 (didn't catch aircrafttype unfortunately). HAVOC11 in contact with Athens, FL330, 45M NW of METRU (dir Cairo FIR, eastbound)
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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Wolbie »

Oscar01 wrote:Hi,

Blues took off from Souda Bay at 05.00z. After AR with Havoc11, they landed at Souda again. However, they are due to depart again at 15.30z to refuel Havok11 on his way back home.

Think Quids will launch tonight as well (last night they were 83/84).

Long mission for the Barksdale guys....

Ps: Havoc11 is a B-52 :mrgreen:
Thanks for the confirmation on a/c type, Oz.
HAVOC11 now back in Athinai FIR, 17.12z in contact with Athens ATC, NW of METRU FL380, direct ARLOS (westbound). Descending FL270.
HAVOC11 asks if BLUE51 is in the area, ATC reports BLUE51 and BLUE52 are departing from Souda at that very moment (17.18z).
Switched Malta 123.625 at 17.25z. BLUE51 flt at 17.25z in contact with Athens ATC, dir ARLOS, block FL270-280

Re: LOG Athens ATC


HAVOC is Raf Typhoon, 11 & 3 sqn from raf coningsby, but i have information also that havoc is also B-52 USAF barksdale. My money is on it being Raf Typhoons that you heard mate.

Re: LOG Athens ATC


Wolbie im corrected just been on another forum and HAVOC11 is B52 as from mildenhall tonight for the uk AR QUIDS went up.QUID 86 63-8006 Kc135 Usaf airbourne for air refuel with B52.
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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Oscar01 »


Tankers from EGUN were Quid85 and 86. In the US again, AR was conducted, this time by 2 times Ethyl. If I counted right, that were 14(!) tankers in total for just one Buff mission :worship:

Buff should be on the ground at Barksdale by now. Long mission for these guys......

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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Wolbie »

Oscar01 wrote:Hi,

Tankers from EGUN were Quid85 and 86. In the US again, AR was conducted, this time by 2 times Ethyl. If I counted right, that were 14(!) tankers in total for just one Buff mission :worship:

Buff should be on the ground at Barksdale by now. Long mission for these guys......

Read somewhere that it flew direct the Maledives? (perhaps lunchstop at Diego Garcia..?) Indeed a long mission out of Lousiana... :respect:
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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Wolbie »

April 18th LGGG
08.47 BLUE51 (KC-135R 59-1509 134 ARW) FL250, to Souda. Descend FL130, 08.47 Souda 118.125
08.57 BLUE52 (KC-135R 58-0009 128 ARW) sq 7442 in formation with BLUE84, to Souda. 09.06 Souda 118.125
09.00 HRK69A (C-130 356 MTM) FL250 proceed to Zakynthos. Descend FL120.
09.02 BLUE84 (Kc-135R 57-1453 117 ARW) sq 7465 ARLOS dir METRU. In formation with HAVOC11.
09.05 HAVOC11 (B-52H USAF) sq 1234 req FL330, 45M NW of METRU. 09.11 Cairo 127.7
09.17 GOLD08 (Kc-135R 63-8875 190 ARW) sq 1223, destination Souda.
10.18 HRK69B (C-130 356 MTM) FL130->170 dir to Aegina. 10.32 Athens APP 132.975
11.18 PAAF360 (C-130E 4178 Pakistan AF) Kerkyra 122.350
12.20 TREND58 (? USAF) 2 aircraft, mechanical problem, emergency landing at Souda. 12.24 Souda 118.125
12.21 GOLD08 (KC-135R 63-8875 190 ARW) dir Souda, 12.26 Souda 118.125 (was in formation with TREND58)
12.30 SPAR91 (C-21A 84-0081 76 AS) descend FL290->150. 12.33 Souda 118.125
12.48 CTM2991 (? FAF) climbing FL120->220->260, 14.00 Brindisi 135.425
12.52 IAM3104 (Falcon 900 MM62245 31 St) sq 2055 FL400 passed METRU
12.54 RRR6992 (C-17A ZZ174 99 Sq) DEMAG-> SIT. FL300->350
14.14 RSF903 (C-130H 1625 RSAF) climb FL270, 15.52 Athens 126.125
14.51 UAF1225 (C-17A 1224 UAE AF) FL340 dir TIGRA
15.52 SPAR91 (C-21A 84-0081 76 AS) FL330->360, 16.34 Brindisi 128.3
15.52 CTM2007 (C-160R FAF) Heraklion 123.975 / 17.48 FL160, 18.52 over LORNO, Brindisi 135.425
17.24 JALOP38 (C-21A 84-0085 76 AS) destination LGSA (Souda), requesting WX report for alternative airfield LGRP (Diagoras/Rhodos)
Descend FL250, FL170, SOKRI 1G arr for Souda. 17.53 Souda 118.125
18.13 RRR6993 (C-17A ZZ174 99 Sq) dir PLH, climb Fl360. 19.08 Roma 133.250
19.07 HAVOC11 (B-52H USAF) NW of METRU dir ARLOS FL380. Sq 2036, descend FL270.
Asks ATC if BLUE51 is in the area, ATC reports at 18.18 BLUE51 and BLUE52 now departing from Souda. 19.25 Malta 123.625
19.25 BLUE51 flt (KC-135 57-1453 117 ARW) with BLUE52, block FL270-280, dir ARLOS-> AMIBO.
Descend block FL240-260 for refuelling with HAVOC11. 19.42 Malta 123.625
20.21 BLUE52 (KC-135R USAF) FL330, sq 7051, to Souda. Descend FL250, FL130, 20.35 Souda 118.125
20.55 BLUE51 (KC-135R 57-1453 117 ARW) FL330, sq 7054, 40M inbound DEMAG, dest LGSA (Souda). 21.17 Souda 118.125

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)
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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Oscar01 »

AFAIK the Havoc didn't land somewhere....
Wolbie wrote:
Oscar01 wrote:Hi,

Tankers from EGUN were Quid85 and 86. In the US again, AR was conducted, this time by 2 times Ethyl. If I counted right, that were 14(!) tankers in total for just one Buff mission :worship:

Buff should be on the ground at Barksdale by now. Long mission for these guys......

Read somewhere that it flew direct the Maledives? (perhaps lunchstop at Diego Garcia..?) Indeed a long mission out of Lousiana... :respect:
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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Oscar01 »


Your Trend58 were 2 F-15Es that left Moron. Tails should be 90-0238 and 90-0250

Wolbie wrote:April 18th LGGG
12.20 TREND58 (? USAF) 2 aircraft, mechanical problem, emergency landing at Souda. 12.24 Souda 118.125
12.21 GOLD08 (KC-135R 63-8875 190 ARW) dir Souda, 12.26 Souda 118.125 (was in formation with TREND58)

(all times local Dutch time, GMT+2)
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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Wolbie »

So F-15E's 366th FW, thanks for ID-ing, Oz.
Oscar01 wrote:Hi,

Your Trend58 were 2 F-15Es that left Moron. Tails should be 90-0238 and 90-0250

Wolbie wrote:April 18th LGGG
12.20 TREND58 (? USAF) 2 aircraft, mechanical problem, emergency landing at Souda. 12.24 Souda 118.125
12.21 GOLD08 (KC-135R 63-8875 190 ARW) dir Souda, 12.26 Souda 118.125 (was in formation with TREND58)

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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Wolbie »

April 19th LGGG:
09.37 GOLD08 (KC-135R 63-8875 190 ARW) climbing FL200 for FL340 (out of Souda). 10.20 app LORNO, Roma 133.250
09.41 RCH218 (C-17A 04-4137 305 AMW) dir PAXIS. 10.00 Cairo 127.7
10.16 GOLD09 (KC-135R 58-0093 22 ARW) climbing FL200 for FL340 (out of Souda) sq 2042, 18M to PLH, dir LORNO. 10.58 Roma 133.250
10.17 OUR11 (EMB-145H 380 Mira) FL150, sq 7064
10.47 GOLD77 formation (KC-10A 84-1089 305 AMW) block FL250-270, 20m to ARLOS, dir SALUN. 10.57 Cairo 127.7
11.00 IAF019 (? IDF) FL400, destination LLNY after Heraklion. 11.08 Heraklion 123.975
11.21 PAAF360 (C-130E 4178 PAAF) FL230, sq 1244. 11.30 Makedonia 132.375
11.30 RCH560 (KC-10A 86-0030 305 AMW) FL390, sq 1206. 11.43 Makedonia 132.375
10.50 LAC93 (shows as C-130J 08-5693 317 AG) 11.36 Athens 134.325 FL340. 12.24 Tirana 127.5
11.49 RCH176 (C-17A 02-1100 437 AW) ARLOS dir SALUN. 11.58 Cairo 127.7
11.49 IAF019 (? IDF) climb FL300
11.59 IAF020 (? IDF) dir MILOS, Skopelos, climb FL380.
12.04 SPAR91 (C-21A 84-0081 76 AS) FL350. 12.40 Athens 125.2, descend FL250. 12.46 Souda 118.125
12.21 RRR9202 flt* (VC-10 XR808 101 Sq) 3 aircraft, dir RUTOM. Request block FL210-230. 12.51 Brindisi 128.3
12.22 WE56 (EP-3E? USN) FL205. 12.36 cancelling IFR-> VFR, switching Malta 123.625
12.56 OUR32 (EMB-145H 380 Mira) dir Elefsina
13.52 IAF019 (? IDF) FL450. 14.09 Athens 127.975
13.58 NAF21 (C-130H G-988 336 Sq) Athens 125.2, dir Souda. Descend FL130.
14.10 IAF020 (? IDF) FL410
15.08 IAM1426 (KC-767 MM62226 14 St) 15.30 Cairo 127.7
15.21 SPAR91 (C-21A 84-0081 76 AS) Athens 124.625 passing FL305->340->360, dir LATAN. 16.09 Brindisi 128.3
15.34 BLUE82 (KC-135R 57-1453 117 ARW) dir NEVRA
15.50 CTM3005 (C-160R? FAF) to Souda
15.56 HKY160 (C-130J-30 08-8602 37 AS) FL250, 30M to DEMAG, dir KUMBI. 16.28 Athens 127.975
15.58 STATE77 (? USAF) passing 10.500ft for FL180. 20M W of Souda, dir ARLOS. 16.25 Malta 123.625
16.22 HRK69B (C-130 356 MTM) dir Aegina. 16.52 Athens 124.625
18.47 JALOP38 (C-21A 84-0085 76 AS) Descend FL100, Souda 118.125
18.49 ORF5 (A320 A4O-AA Oman RF) Tirana 127.5
19.30 BLUE51 (KC-135R 59-1509 134 ARW) climb FL360 (out of Souda), dir TITUS
19.44 HRK69D (C-130 356 MTM) proceed to PIKAD-> Aegina. 20.07 Athens APP 132.975
20.30 JALOP38 (C-21A 84-0085 76 AS) climb FL320, FL360. 21.25 Brindisi 128.3
20.58 BLUE52 (KC-135R 58-0009 128 ARW) climbing FL135 for FL360 (out of Souda). 21.39 Roma 133.250
21.30 WE56 (EP-3E? USN) FL195 VFR, request IFR clearance, request FL190. sq 7050, 10 min S of ARLOS, dest Souda. 21.40 Descend FL130, Souda 118.125
22.22 RRR3251 (Tristar ZD952 216 Sq) exitpoint LORNO. 22.53 Athens 124.625, FL340.
22.35 RCH176 (C-17A 02-1100 437 AW) sq 2030 FL320 dir ARLOS. 22.54 Malta 123.625
23.11 STATE77 (? USAF) sq 7053. 23.21 Descend FL130, Souda 118.125

* RR9202 flt: VC10 + 2 Tornado GR.4 to Lossiemouth, see http://www.fightercontrol.co.uk/forum/v ... 4&p=359598

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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Oscar01 »

Hi Wolbie,

Gold77 was dragging 3 SC ANG F-16s e/b.

Today another interesting flight: Gold41-43 is dragging Mazda91-96 6x HO F-22 e/b.

Keep an ear open next few days as well :wink:

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Re: LOG Athens ATC

Post by Wolbie »

Thanks for the additional info on the GOLD77 flight.

GOLD42 flight entered Athinai FIR at 10.11z today, receivers unfortunately not heard :(
GOLD42 went to Souda after refuelling, GOLD41 entered Cairo FIR.

Think I read something earlier this week about lots of US Vipers on the move this coming weekend...?
Oscar01 wrote:Hi Wolbie,

Gold77 was dragging 3 SC ANG F-16s e/b.

Today another interesting flight: Gold41-43 is dragging Mazda91-96 6x HO F-22 e/b.

Keep an ear open next few days as well :wink:

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