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Unfortunately, no people from The Netherlands were allowed to visit the Osan Air Power Day 2011 this year
Fortunately, it was possible to have a good views from outside. However during the bad weather on saturday morning (fog and rain), some aircraft could not be identified) Complete log will follow.
Who van help me with the id's of the following static aircraft:
K2G wrote:Unfortunately, no people from The Netherlands were allowed to visit the Osan Air Power Day 2011 this year
Fortunately, it was possible to have a good views from outside. However during the bad weather on saturday morning (fog and rain), some aircraft could not be identified) Complete log will follow.
Who van help me with the id's of the following static aircraft:
Does anyone know why citizen with a passport from the Netherlands were refused entry, and citizens from Germany and the UK were allowed in?
What did we,or our father, ancestrors do wrong?
Oh, by the way the spot at the end of the runway on our side off course only gave us chance to take pics of 50% max of the action.
We had an enjoyable day nevertheless due to kind Korean policemen who offered us lunch!
what did we do now again :S?? did someone already emailed the PO of Osan AFB? this is truely madness..
Yep, here is their answer:
I received word that you were not admitted into Air Power Day. I understand
your frustration about the situation and am very sorry for the
inconvenience. The Netherlands was added to a list of countries prohibited
from entering the installation at the last minute. I cannot disclose
detailed information about what triggered the change; however, I can relay
that the change was made as a direct result of a series of inappropriate
actions taken by aviation enthusiast from the Netherlands. Such matters are
taken very seriously by Osan Air Base force protection personnel because
operational security and information protection is integral to the
protection and success of the U.S. military and its allies. Again we
understand your frustration and deeply apologize for the inconvenience.
But i hope more countries will follow ! Why? One such action isn't enough to make that misserable group of hooligans, change their mind.
So either we need more of those actions. Or better relay of information regarding to who behaves and who not ....
Footballhooligans can be prohibited from entering a stadion. Why can't we do the same with aviationhooligans ?
But i hope more countries will follow ! Why? One such action isn't enough to make that misserable group of hooligans, change their mind.
So either we need more of those actions. Or better relay of information regarding to who behaves and who not ....
Footballhooligans can be prohibited from entering a stadion. Why can't we do the same with aviationhooligans ?
Just my simple opinion...
I would really like to know what happened before judging. Don't get me wrong as I am opposed to every kind of misbehaviour. Don't forget that our hobby once started in a less open atmosphere and a little bit on the edge of what was allowed by the authorities. It was also not only about taking pictures at airshows. Despite that, it never was a big deal in most western countries, especially the USA. It is really the Americans that changed a lot and not the way that we conduct our hobby. It can be fully understood that they are much more vigilant than in the past but I really think that the situation in Korea isn't too much different compared to the situation in for example Germany in the Cold War days. Not that it makes any difference but therefore I think the people at Osan are overreacting a little bit. In the first place I think that what happened wasn't a big deal (but off course I don't know for sure) and in the second place it is surely an overreaction to ban an entire nation from their airshow.
Question is, what is good behaviour by spotting in South Korea ? If you take photographs or like me just collect serial numbers, both are NOT accepted in South Korea. So doing this is with a risk, and thus a kind of misbehaviour.
K2G wrote:Question is, what is good behaviour by spotting in South Korea ? If you take photographs or like me just collect serial numbers, both are NOT accepted in South Korea. So doing this is with a risk, and thus a kind of misbehaviour.
I would say, this what it is all about and I agree that this is not misbehaviour. I am aware that some people who are 100% into pictures will not agree. However, taking pictures is often not appreciated also.
It is really a very much an overreaction by the Americans.
Wouldn't it be an idea to write a letter to the embassy in the Hague with the complaints. They are the U.S. representitives in The Netherlands and should be able to help us all out in the future. Maybe they do have more details about the background of the ban and more important, can we expect more of these kind actions in the future or do they apologize for the one-off miscommunication?
A lot of talk here which will take us nowhere. Let me tell you I was one of the unhappy ones at the Osan AB "Doolittle" gate that Saturday morning. I believe all Dutch spotters "in-country" were actually present at the gate, I spoke to all of them and not one had been in any kind of trouble with the South Korean or US authorities in the days preceding the Osan event. We know that The Netherlands was placed on the list of unwanted countries at the latest moment, not by the US but by the South Korean authorities. The US authorities just complied and simply refused everyone with a Dutch passport. Why we were on the list we will never know, the South Koreans certainly won't tell us and I doubt the US authorities will, even if they actually know why the South Koreans made that move.
Probably the South Koreans were aware of Dutch aircraft enthusiasts showing, in their view, a more than what is healthy interest in their military aviation, made an exaggerated move and banned us all. Note that the weekend before, at the Seoul Airshow, the Dutch were in fact given a VIP treatment.
I don't think this is policy, certainly not by the US authorities. It was a combination of over reacting (but that is something to be expected in a country like South Korea) and just bad luck.
K2G wrote:Unfortunately, no people from The Netherlands were allowed to visit the Osan Air Power Day 2011 this year
Fortunately, it was possible to have a good views from outside. However during the bad weather on saturday morning (fog and rain), some aircraft could not be identified) Complete log will follow.
Who van help me with the id's of the following static aircraft:
Such matters are taken very seriously by Osan Air Base force protection personnel because
operational security and information protection is integral to the
protection and success of the U.S. military and its allies
En ik maar denken dat wij Nederlanders bij de beste bondgenoten van de Amerikanen hoorde.
Ben benieuw wat Rutte binnenkort, tijdens zijn bezoek, van Obama krijgt te horen...misschien is hij opeens niet meer
welkom en wordt hij bij de voordeur van het witte huis tegengehouden (Sorry you'r on a black list) dankzij sommige van ons.