86-0025 C-5M 436AW 65-0981 FT HC-130P 71RQS (Parked on ramp) 03-3115 C-17A 183AS 03-3117 C-17A 183AS 03-3120 C-17A 62AW 05-5140 C-17A 729AS 06-6167 C-17A 9AS 92-0375 C20H 76AS too many t/g 91-0417 SP F16CJ 23FS o/s 91-0472 SP F16DJ 23FS o/sPlus local RS C-130J-30s: 05, 08, 11, 13, 14.
Many more aircraft parked on the ramp (a.o. a KC-135 with red tailstripe) remained unidentified due to the heatwaves