I visited Solenzara twice this month, 2jun and 10jun.
Spotting conditions are good south of the base. There is a parking when you pass the base south, right at the sea. You cannot be seen from the base here. In the morning the sun is good to take pictures here with the mountains as backdrop (400mm). In the afternoon I stood at the road passing the runway (200mm). Here you are in sight of the base, and 10jun Jean and Darmy sent me away after having to delete my afternoon pictures one by one until i reached non-aviation pictures. I did have my morning pictures though.
2jun there was an live-firing excercise going on with F-16's from belgium, F/A-18's from Switserland, and Mirages from Dijon. (and the alpha jet as target tow)
10jun there was a lot of Mirage 2000C/5F's from Dijon, Cambrai, and Orange also for live-firing.
We stayed in Corsica for 2 weeks 30may-13jun in the south (Santa Giulia) and during this 2 weeks there was a lot of lowflying above sea going. The second week also evening sorties.
See for the numbers Solenzara (LFKS) - 2009
Here some impressions (al Mir2000s are code updates to scramble DB):
2 june
10 june