I have to say, those press / spotters day are a good way to get rid off al those requests from spotters / press. It is up to the Polish Air Force to say who is press and who is not.
The same goes for the French spottersday ahead of an airshow. It is a good way for intelligence to know how many spotters there are and who they are, also you have all the spotters / press together at one day so the other days are for the regular public.
As an organisation you can have some control at our community by having such tours / spottersday. The same goes for the open dagen, just organise an spottersday and you don't have all those people around your airfield. It is also an argument for sending people away, we have a spottersday organised for you guys and that is the only option, take it or leave it.
So in my opinion well done by the Polish Air Force and the real press, who that may be, still have their opportunities, they know how to get an exclusive visit.
These kind of tours / spottersday keep the crowd satisfied