A quick stop around 11:00 this morning at the Steigstrasse produced
Straight from the book, only the '135 is checked;
00177 C-17A McChord
00179 C-17A McChord
33114 C-17A Mississippi ANG
33116 C-17A Mississippi ANG
44131 C-17A McGuire
55143 C-17A March
55148/HH C-17A
66155 C-17A Travis
66162 C-17A Travis
66168 C-17A Dover
90058 C-17A McChord
00457 C-5A AFRC/Wright Patterson
00466 C-5A AFRC/Texas
50009 C-5B
50010 C-5B
70124 KC-10A McGuire
10309 KC-135R Wisconsin ANG
Not read off were a third Mississippi C-17 (33119?) and three "non-RS" C-130s; one with a red tail, two with (different shades of) blue - one probably being a 934th AW machine.Hans