Forum for all matters concerning Amsterdam-Schiphol airport (and control zone, including heliport). Customary language is Dutch, but English is also accepted.
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Scramble Die-Hard
Posts: 516 Joined: 19 Aug 2008, 21:20
Location: AMS/SPL
by B767 » 17 Dec 2008, 13:00
cHabu wrote: Bokkum wrote: Found following flight (a/c type B738):
STD 12.00Lt as HV051 to KEF/MSP
Dit zou de
PH-HZI moeten zijn.
Als iemand vertrek en kleurtjes kan bevestigen, dan stel ik dat errug op prijs.
Grts, Chris.
Vlucht nr/ Date/ Route / STD / EBD/ ABT / STA / TDT / EBA / BTM
HV 0051 /17 AMS KEF 1200 1300C 1320C 1410 1515 1520 3:10
HV 0051/ 17 KEF MSP 1455 1605 1615 1555 1700 1705 7:00
Scramble Master
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Type of spotter: S5, biz prio
Location: AMS/SPL
by Bokkum » 17 Dec 2008, 13:20
SPL-East at 13.00Lt:
OE-IKG CL850, left
CS-DMT Be400
CS-DRJ Hs125
N426CF CL604
B-16702, JY-AYG, HL7574 and YL-LCF (still @ the D-buffer) all confirmed.
Stuart J
Scramble Die-Hard
Posts: 824 Joined: 20 Jul 2004, 15:53
Location: Schiphol East/Uithoorn
by Stuart J » 17 Dec 2008, 15:06
B767 wrote: Stuart J wrote: Doing exams in the tower today
. Anyone for the reg of the Flybe EMB195 this morning, and also the DLH A321 (both around 1000LT)
BE 1012 SOU --> GFBEC
LH 4671 FRA --> DAIRC
Thanks, Tom.
Now the next question:
On passing Schiphol Oost at approx 1410 LT, a
Falcon 900 was being pushed into Hangar 4 - reg. was something like
N209FJ - any further info, anyone ?
Scramble Master
Posts: 8671 Joined: 18 Apr 2004, 21:53
Type of spotter: S5, biz prio
Location: AMS/SPL
by Bokkum » 17 Dec 2008, 15:10
Stuart J wrote: On passing Schiphol Oost at approx 1410 LT, a Falcon 900 was being pushed into Hangar 4 - reg. was something like N209FJ - any further info, anyone ?
Stond gepland om gisterochtend rond 07.45Lt binnen te komen vanuit SUS, maar niks meer van 'gehoord' of gezien. STD unknown...
Scramble Master
Posts: 11364 Joined: 12 Oct 2003, 23:56
Type of spotter: None
by SPL » 17 Dec 2008, 15:11
Jeroen en Stuart:
vandaag aangekomen als: 13:33A DUS N209FJ DF3
Groeten Martijn
*just doing my thing*
Scramble Master
Posts: 11364 Joined: 12 Oct 2003, 23:56
Type of spotter: None
by SPL » 17 Dec 2008, 15:14
cHabu wrote: Bokkum wrote: Found following flight (a/c type B738): STD 12.00Lt as HV051 to KEF/MSP
Dit zou de
PH-HZI moeten zijn. Als iemand vertrek en kleurtjes kan bevestigen, dan stel ik dat errug op prijs. Grts, Chris.
Chris op dit moment: HV051 12:00
15:15D MSP KEF HG05 PH-HZI 73H.
Groeten Martijn
*just doing my thing*
Scramble Master
Posts: 8671 Joined: 18 Apr 2004, 21:53
Type of spotter: S5, biz prio
Location: AMS/SPL
by Bokkum » 17 Dec 2008, 15:38
SPL-East at 15.35Lt:
CS-DMT Be400
CS-DRJ Hs125
Credits: Gatso76
Scramble Master
Posts: 11364 Joined: 12 Oct 2003, 23:56
Type of spotter: None
by SPL » 17 Dec 2008, 16:24
Michel wrote: CISS: 1635 TK TC-JNC (volgens TK/SPL) PH-EZB komt binnen op Oost, K36.
TC-JNC now 19:04C and the PH-EZB no company time yet and parking now K35.
Groeten Martijn
*just doing my thing*
Scramble Master
Posts: 8671 Joined: 18 Apr 2004, 21:53
Type of spotter: S5, biz prio
Location: AMS/SPL
by Bokkum » 17 Dec 2008, 16:28
Just arrived rwy 06 is BBJ HB-JJA as PTI450 from EPL (?)
Scramble Master
Posts: 11364 Joined: 12 Oct 2003, 23:56
Type of spotter: None
by SPL » 17 Dec 2008, 16:36
Bokkum wrote: Just arrived rwy 06 is BBJ HB-JJA as PTI450 from EPL (?)
According CISS from MSE = Manston, Great Britain.
Groeten Martijn
*just doing my thing*
Scramble Master
Posts: 11364 Joined: 12 Oct 2003, 23:56
Type of spotter: None
by SPL » 17 Dec 2008, 16:48
Verder vandaag vanaf uurtje of 12:
SU -> 11:35A VP-BQW
EI -> 12:19A EI-CVB
AT -> 13:30A CN-RNU
KE -> 12:16A HL7574
AF -> 12:55A F-GUGA
CY -> 13:24A 5B-DCF
BT -> 13:05A YL-BBQ
TP -> 13:50A CS-TPD
AF -> 13:35A F-GPXB
OK -> 13:45A OK-CGH
MA -> 14:02A HA-LOK
EI -> 13:57A EI-DEJ
MS -> 13:34A SU-GBW
IB -> 15:34A EC-IIG
BD -> 15:35A G-MIDY
BA -> 15:06A G-BXAR
OS -> 15:40A OE-LFP
JL -> 15:58A JA704J
KQ -> 16:03A 5Y-KQT
BE -> 16:12A G-JECK
AF -> 16:09A F-GRGC
SK -> 16:24A LN-ROM
AF -> 16:40A F-GTAR
EI -> 16:29A EI-DVH
SK -> 16:58A LN-RMS
LH -> 17:03E D-AIRF
MA -> 17:02E HA-LOP
SK -> 17:53C LN-RPH
TP -> 18:08C CS-TNM
TE -> 18:11C LY-AZY
8A -> 18:44C CN-RNA
LO -> 18:26C SP-LIF
OS -> 19:20 OE-LVD
NE -> 19:50 OM-NGF
KE -> 20:05 HL7574
EZY -> 20:20 G-EZDM
NE -> 20:50 OM-NGD
VY -> 21:15 EC-JYX
AY -> 21:40 OH-LKM
LX -> 22:00 HB-IPT
OS -> 22:05 OE-LVL
LH -> 22:20 D-AIRK
LH -> 22:20 D-ACKK
BD -> 22:25 G-DBCH
TK -> 22:50 now 00:40C TC-JMF
Cargo S-ramp:
JI7409 14:38A B2421
CLX7113 15:38A LX-ICV
OZ591 16:37A HL7420
JI7405 13:21A B2439
RU326 departure 19:50 VP-BIG
EK9971 departure 21:00 OO-THA
SWN8026 21:30 LX-WAM
BCS4239 departure 23:15 G-BMRF
Cargo R-ramp:
SQ7360 12:15A 9V-SFJ
MH6471 left 13:15A TF-AAB
IJ8731 left 13:50A B2430
KE509 14:33A HL7602
MH6122 17:47C TF-ARN
UC1500 19:05 N418LA
Oost Arrival:
14:12A BLL PH-ORJ and 16:40A PH-DRK.
Oost Departure:
13:45A LTN N426CF, 13:10A MUC OE-GTI, 12:50A KBP OE-IKG, 14:00A PMI CS-DXY, 13:15A BQH PH-JNE, 13:48A CEQ N513EA, 15:58A HEL CS-DRJ. And planned: 18:30C ZRH HB-VMO and 17:00 LED HB-VON.
Groeten Martijn
*just doing my thing*
Scramble Master
Posts: 11364 Joined: 12 Oct 2003, 23:56
Type of spotter: None
by SPL » 17 Dec 2008, 17:08
Some divers information:
SPL wrote: cHabu wrote: Bokkum wrote: Found following flight (a/c type B738): STD 12.00Lt as HV051 to KEF/MSP
Dit zou de
PH-HZI moeten zijn. Als iemand vertrek en kleurtjes kan bevestigen, dan stel ik dat errug op prijs. Grts, Chris.
Chris op dit moment: HV051 12:00
15:15D MSP KEF HG05 PH-HZI 73H. Groeten Martijn
This one delayed till
19:30 .
Bokkum wrote: Aegean B734 SX-BLM STD 11.00Lt as A3005 to ATH (from HG10)
This one still hasn't left, planned
17:00 . Regi in the CISS with
Bokkum wrote: YL-LCF (still @ the D-buffer) all confirmed.
This one will leave this night 23:50 from gate D66/D10. Probably after the football match in Amsterdam.
Groeten Martijn
*just doing my thing*
Scramble Master
Posts: 11364 Joined: 12 Oct 2003, 23:56
Type of spotter: None
by SPL » 17 Dec 2008, 19:17
Update 19:08:
- PH-EZB now 22:11C
- Aegean not left yet.
- PH-HZI not left yet.
- from East the both Swiss left: 18:40A ZRH HB-VMO and 18:22A LED HB-VON.
TK -> with TC-JNC now 19:07T.
IB -> 18:50 now 21:50C 321
OK -> 18:23A OK-GEA
AF -> 19:20E F-GUGG
AF -> 19:25E F-GUBC
SK -> 19:14T LN-RPB
SK -> 19:19B SE-DIP
EI -> 19:30E EI-DEP
MA -> 19:52E HA-LOE
EI -> 19:23E EI-CVA
JP -> 21:00C S5-AAF
BD -> 20:35 G-MEDE
BA -> 21:10 G-BZAV
SK -> 21:30 LN-RMC
Groeten Martijn
*just doing my thing*
Stuart J
Scramble Die-Hard
Posts: 824 Joined: 20 Jul 2004, 15:53
Location: Schiphol East/Uithoorn
by Stuart J » 17 Dec 2008, 20:10
Inbound 36R/04 now (2015LT) is Beech 350 OO-SDU
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by Roel » 17 Dec 2008, 20:22
SPL wrote: - PH-HZI not left yet
Wat is eigenlijk de rede van het delay? Uitgelopen MX? Nog geen permit?