Iranian AF P 3 Orion overfly USS TRUMAN

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Iranian AF P 3 Orion overfly USS TRUMAN


during a visit on board USS TRUMAN I got the chance to shoot this P 3 of Iranian AF while buzz over quite close the carrier

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Post by SquAdmin »

So you we're onboard the Truman AND you had an Iranian P-3 as "visitor"? Man, you're lucky!

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Post by John Rambo »

Nice one, special plane. :P
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Post by Hopla »

Was the pic just before they shot it down or did they let it fly? Strange visit but you very lucky!
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Post by Melchior Timmers »

It seems they get these visits often, but pictures of it are quite rare, a very nice catch!

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Post by John Rambo »

Do you have more pictures of the same plane btw?
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Post by patrick dirksen »

Who cares about the US Navy stuff when you can photograph this bird?!?!?
:shock: :shock: :wink:

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Re: Iranian AF P 3 Orion overfly USS TRUMAN

Post by Iwan Bogels »

during a visit on board USS TRUMAN I got the chance to shoot this P 3 of Iranian AF while buzz over quite close the carrier
Lucky bastard ! ;-)

I had the same experience at the USS Constellation (2001). Only then the Iranian came up from behind the tower and we noticed it too late to shoot it. Damn, that hurts !!

Well done to you.

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Post by ebauer »

patrick dirksen wrote:Who cares about the US Navy stuff when you can photograph this bird?!?!?
:shock: :shock: :wink:
You took the words right out of my mouth! 8)

Very nice catch!
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Re: Iranian AF P 3 Orion overfly USS TRUMAN


ciao Iwan
yes to be honest I was luck.
We spent more than one hour in the morning to shoot the trainig fire exercise in the hangar bay and in various dept ( very boring). I asked to go oin the flight deck to shoot maintenance operation and as soon I started to walk on the flight deck I noticed a smoke trail coming along the ship. I waited and I saw the P 3. Luckily I had the telephoto and with 200 mm I shot it. It passed at quite close the ship, and two SH60 helos that were on lfight were recovered quickly. They told me that Is not really unusual to have Iranian visitor but not so close.!!!!
Iwan Bogels wrote:
during a visit on board USS TRUMAN I got the chance to shoot this P 3 of Iranian AF while buzz over quite close the carrier
Lucky bastard ! ;-)

I had the same experience at the USS Constellation (2001). Only then the Iranian came up from behind the tower and we noticed it too late to shoot it. Damn, that hurts !!

Well done to you.

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Post by Thermal »

Making pictures on a US carrier and then having an Iranian P-3 passing by??

The word jealous does not even begin to describe my feeling right now.

Thanks for sharing this with us.
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