Trout89 wrote:Zitotrans IL-76 afgelopen weken telkens eind van de vrijdagmiddag vertrokken, om dan op maandag weer terug te komen.
Aangezien de IL van afgelopen maandag weer is vertrokken, zou er dan wel eerst een binnen moeten komen, mogelijk morgen rond de middag.
E.e.a. puur gebaseerd op de afgelopen 4-5 weken, zonder enige garantie.
I don't want to sound pickey, but that is not correct. Mostly they came in on monday at about 1300, depart on thuseday at about 09:00, and then a nother one on friday, which also departs fryday. However like you said, last week there was one which staid untill I think fryday. (I never saw a report of it having departed)
Last week was the first time that a zitotrans stayed the week, at least in the last couple of weeks, the VDA aircraft did it alle the time.