We were going to NRN with 4 persons, one of us had to be had to picked up in ''wanssum'', a town 10km from Weeze. Wenn we pulled up the parking lot there we saw a 737 flying to the north east, so we said ''that one is going to Eindhoven''.
The drive to NRN was full of happiness and jokes (what else do you expect.... a nice vistot is coming up, and we had a day with more sunshine than we could wish for!)
That happiness, quickly turned into sadness, wenn we drove to the terminal at weeze and discovered the 737 of the ChilAF had just landed!!
Damn!! I pesonally had an landing picture in mind... But nevertheless, the day turned out well!! Since we are the local spotting group we had the chance to go on the ramp. The picture in this post is a result of that ramp-visit! Thanks to NRN-Flugleitung!!
The day ended with a nice ''wienerschnitzel''. All in all a nice day, allthough in my opinion the ''sleppdienst'' was a little bit overactiv...
Greetz, Ron