Small trip report around south limburg

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Small trip report around south limburg

Post by f4phantom »

Doing a small road trip around south limburg resulted in the following report.

10-2-25 we started with a stopover at GLV5, Demon1, S-454 was flying here
11-2-25 we drove from our vacation home in Vaals to Geilenkirchen in the hope to see some Awacs action, we got lucky.
LX-N90445 was just starting up for a refuel mission together with a KC-135 as NATO40, it took a while for the KC-135 to start up so the awacs decided to make 4 touch and go's/low approaches first :D





finally the KC-135 turned up, 59-1446 from Maine


A refuel visitor, EC155 D-HLTF from the Bundespolizei


Another Awacs, this time LX-N90444 as NATO06 going to orbat at the Baltics

Before returning to Vaals a quick stop at flugplatz Aachen Merzbruck

the next day,12-2-25, a French KC-135 was plannend for Eindhoven at 12.00, we were just in time to see the landing, probably the last time to see it at Eindhoven before they leave the fleet, tailnumber 497 showed up

When we were at Eindhoven again we noticed on adsb a Blackhawk landing at Geilenkirchen so right after the landing of the KC-135 we turned around again to Geilenkirchen in the hope to see the Blackhawk, the timing could not be better as the Blackhawk was starting up the moment we arrived, 91-26319 from and to Wiesbaden as SPADE98

Returing from their missions 59-1498 and LX-N90453


The last day,13-2-25 spending some time at Norvenich to see jetfighter action, highlight for us was this special paint Tornado flying as Epic




On the way back 2 stops plannend to see some preserved Mig 23's

Zulpich, Mig 23 20+31 German Air Force

Kall, Mig 23 564, East German Air Force, also Mi-8 636 East German Air Force was preserved here

14-2-25 we packed all our stuff in the car again to leave home, not before stopping again at GLV5 to see wat Grizzly32, D-604 was doing.
Also at Rosmalen PH-MAA, EC-135, Lifeliner03 was seen at a farm.
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Re: Small trip report around south limburg

Post by wolfhound32fs »

Nice trip report, thanks for posting.
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