ETAD Spangdahlem begin August 2022 MIL

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ETAD Spangdahlem begin August 2022 MIL

Post by zeeuwric »

Hi, just like to share a few pictures after a three day stay at Spangdahlem.

hope you like em:

F-35A VT:
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, F35A 17-5278/VT departure to CONUS after TDY in Europe by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

F-35A HL:
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, F35A 17-5281/HL departure to CONUS after TDY in Europe by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

F-16C SP:
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, F16C 91-0402/SP take off by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

F-16C SP:
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, F16C 91-0412/SP local mission by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

KC-135R Wisconsin:
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, KC-135R 610309 taking off for Air Policing support EA18G's by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

EA-18G NL-530:
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, EA18G 168765 NL-530, taking off for a air policing mission in eastern Europe by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, EA18G 168765 NL-530, recovery after an air policing mission in eastern Europe by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

EA18G NL-535
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, EA18G 169129 NL-535, recovery after a air policing mission in eastern Europe by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

EA-18G NL-533:
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, EA18G 166946 NL-533, taking off for a local mission by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

EA-18G NL-531:
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, EA18G 168936 NL-531, recovery after local mission by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

C37B in the heat!
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, C37 166378 waiting for approval to roll on to the runway by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

EA-18G NL-531: Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, EA18G 168936 NL-531 taking off for al local mission by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

EA-18G NL-533:
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, EA18G 166946 NL-533 recovery by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

KC-135R Mississippi
Image08-2022, Spangdahlem AB, KC-135R 59-1448 arriving from CONUS as 'RCH621' by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Cheers Richard
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Re: ETAD Spangdahlem begin August 2022 MIL

Post by seahawk12 »

Nice Richard!!
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