Toulouse-Francazal 24-07-2022 (CIV + 1 MIL)

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Scramble Senior
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Toulouse-Francazal 24-07-2022 (CIV + 1 MIL)

Post by LifelinerOne »


A quick stop at Francazal on a warm and sunny Sunday morning gave the following interesting catches.

1. This Skybridge EMB-120 I-SKYB has been at Francazal for a few years but it was the first time I noticed it. It’s now parked in the corner near the control tower, with all doors open and will most likely never fly again:
ImageE120-SBR-ISKYB-FRC24jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. This brand new ATR72-600 F-WWES is destined for US-Bangla Airlines from Bangladesh:
ImageATR72-USB-FWWES-FRC24jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. Quite happy catching this ATR72-600 JA02QQ for Toki Air, which is a new regional carrier from Japan. Officially, this ATR has been handed over to the airline in June but it hasn’t left France yet:
ImageATR72-TOK-JA02QQ-FRC24jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

4. Brand new A320neo F-WWTK is destined for Sichuan Airlines and is waiting on when the Chinese carrier is ready to take delivery of it. Due to the ongoing COVID19-restrictions in China, it’s not needed yet:
ImageA320N-SCH-FWWTK-FRC24jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

5. I was able to photograph two Blue Air B737-800s, including this OE-LVB. The aircraft is now owned by Regio Lease and should go to ASL after conversion into a freighter:
ImageB738-BLU-OELVB-FRC24jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

6. This Sunday also gave me two military surprises in the form of two ALAT TBM-700s. The 156/ABT and this 159/ABU:
ImageTBM700-FAF-159-FRC24jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

7. Liz Aviation is a carrier from Togo and will soon be taking delivery of two ATR72-600s. Both are being prepared at Francazal, like this 2-FBXA:
ImageATR72-LIZ-2FBXA-FRC24jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

8. Sky Express has withdrawn this ATR72-500 SX-ONE from service and it’s now parked at Francazal:
ImageATR72-SKY-SXONE-FRC24jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

9. This is another former Sky Express ATR but a 42-500. It used to be SX-FOR but there’s not much visible anymore on the aircraft:
ImageATR42-SKY-SXFOR-FRC24jul22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

Hope you liked them! You can see a few more pictures at: ... 249385530/

Cheers! :wave:
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