Peterborough Airport YPQ July 7 2022

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Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
Posts: 831
Joined: 27 Jan 2013, 18:01
Subscriber Scramble: Rafal

Peterborough Airport YPQ July 7 2022

Post by VH3D »

Hi All,

Short visit to Peterborough airport which is located half way between RCAF Trenton base and Toronto.
Long shot here, but I would greatly appreciate help with IDing two CRJ frames. First unknown one is painted black with Fleming College titles, and the second one is a CRJ with half white and half silver (striped paint) parked next to Bombardier facility. There is a lot of conflicting data online about those two frames already.
Two other gems at that airport are Beech 99 which were first and fifth of the construction line! Pretty cool caches.

YPQ July 7 2022












Take care
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