Groningen airport An26 UR-CEP 29-4-22

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Groningen airport An26 UR-CEP 29-4-22

Post by f4phantom »

For me worth a 500km drive to see this one, sorry for low quality shot but taken with binoculars on smarthphone :lol:

Last edited by f4phantom on 29 Apr 2022, 20:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Groningen airport An26 UR-CEP 29-4-22

Post by niekkie »

Marvelous! 500 km is a lot in my opinion :respect: :D
but nice you got it!
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Re: Groningen airport An26 UR-CEP 29-4-22

Post by Fishbed_9307 »

Nice one! Former Hungarian AF #208. Although retired by them a long time ago!
patrick dirksen
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Re: Groningen airport An26 UR-CEP 29-4-22

Post by patrick dirksen »

A nice one indeed! One of only two (former) Hungarian AF An-26s I still need. I presume it is gone by now...? (Yes, I will check the Groningen-Eelde topic myself ;-) )

Edit: still there apparently, and no departure date known yet.
Edit 2: it turned out to be my last one, and it is in the pocket now. No news value, I know, but I am happy to confirm it it still parked there this Monday morning. :-)

Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
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