Kingman (AZ) 06-03-2022

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Scramble Senior
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Posts: 461
Joined: 04 Jan 2008, 17:07
Type of spotter: Photography
Subscriber Scramble: Anton Homma
Location: NL

Kingman (AZ) 06-03-2022

Post by LifelinerOne »


Time for my second post covering my stop at Kingman (AZ), while en-route from Los Angeles (CA) to Tempe (AZ). It has been twenty years ago that I visited Kingman and since then a lot has changed, transforming the airport into a industrial area with lots of large warehouses and distribution centers.

What remains at Kingman is the storage of airliners, especially regional ones like the CRJ200s and ERJ145s. Photography was a bit tricky as the sun was not fully behind me yet but I managed to snap some interesting shots.

There's a large field with stored aircraft to the West of the airport and previously there was a road that would bring you close to the fence for some spotting. The road is still there but you can't reach it anymore as the road is blocked and also a barbed wire fence, preventing you from walking to that part. Annoying.

1. I was able to photograph three ERJ145s destined for Rano Air in Nigeria. The aircraft are former United Express as the livery shows but already had their Nigerian registration applied like this 5N-BZX.
ImageE145-RNO-5NBZX-IGM06mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. Close to the fence is this Skybus Jet Cargo DC-8 N805SJ, which looks in prestine condition and ready to fly:
ImageDC8F-SKY-N805SJ-IGM06mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. Also owned by Skybus but not as good-looking is this DC-8 N802DH, still wearing the full DHL-livery and a resident of Kingman since 2011:
ImageDC8F-DHL-N802DH-IGM06mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

4. This DC-8 is also owned by Skybus and is the former well known VP-BHM. It's now registered as N872SJ. Unfortunately heatwaves ruined the shot, despite it only being 10C.
ImageDC8-SKY-N872SJ-IGM06mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

5. At the Eastern end of the airport you can find two Asia Pacific Airlines B727Fs, including this N86425:
ImageB727F-APA-N86425-IGM06mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

6. This DC-4 N90203 is also a long-time resident of Kingman:
ImageDC4-ARF-N90203-IGM06mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

7. And I end this post with a picture of this ERJ145 of Western Air, an airline from the Bahamas that will take delivery of this former United Express aircraft soon:
ImageE145-WST-N15555-IGM06mar22 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

The full album can be found here: ... 939182907/

See you in the next post!

Cheers! :wave:
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