Wintertour helicopters - Austria February 2022

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Scramble Junior
Scramble Junior
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Wintertour helicopters - Austria February 2022

Post by Michiel62 »

Wintertour 22
In February we had some spare time available. As there was a reasonable amount of snow in Austria, it was not difficult to determine the destination. After writing to a number of contacts, the Covid situation was less positive than anticipated. We needed to adjust the planning and there were some rumours that heliports were not allowed by foreign visitors. Fortunately this impact was minimal.

Friday 18th February
On the travel day, we made the first stop in Ludwigshafen. There is a temporary additional ADAC helicopter, Christoph 112, to support the transport of Covid patients. Unfortunately, it was not possible to catch both helicopters within one picture. The based Christoph 5 departed just before our arrival and got an additional request as well. We did see Christoph 112 leaving though.


At Pattonville we made a short visit to Christoph 51 as they fly with a 5 blade H145. Just before sunset we reached Ulm. Based was the ADAC helicopter to celebrate their 50 years anniversary. Originally decorated for Christoph 1. As Christoph 22 also celebrated 50 years in 2021, this EC145 was transferred to Ulm. It is expected that this will be a travelling machine for units celebrating 50 years.


Saturday 19th February
The first visit on this day was Nenzing to see a well known helicopter. Christophorus 8 operates with the OE-XVE. This is the old PH-EMS from ANWB. Meanwhile this helicopter has been upgraded to T3. The most recognizable change is the lack of the vertical fin on the tail and the changes to the fenestron anti-torque tail device. Also the rotor blades are extended.


We continued to Lech-Zurs. After various year the Gallus 1 from Wucher has been replaced by an EC135T3, bought from the UK. Time for a re-visit. The weather was still very grey, so we waited for a short while to get some activity. Still no mission, so we continued our journey.


We left Vorarlberg and our next stop was Sankt Anton am Arlberg. The well known OE-XHZ from Lech operates currently there as Gallus 3. On our way to Sankt Anton it became very clear there was heavy snowfall not too long ago. Most of the cars were cleared from the snow, except this car from Hungary.



We visited Zams not for the based C5, but for the expected visitors.


This location is visited frequently as a fuelstop for helicopters who visited the local hospital or for slightly injured customers. They will transfer to the hospital by ambulance. We missed the A109 from Schenk Air. In the afternoon there was only a visit of Gallus 3. They were awaiting on the helideck of the hospital while another helicopter arrived for an emergency. They needed to reposition their helicopter while the doctor of Gallus 3 was busy with the handover in the hospital. After a few minutes they went back to Zams hospital.


We shortly visited Karres. Only Martin 2 was outside.

Sunday 20th February
Next morning we visited the Ötztal. The first stop was Sölden. Just prior to our arrival, Alpin 2 departed. So we continued to the heliport Hochgurgl of Heli Tirol, the second highest heliport from Austria at an altitude exceeding 2200 meters.. During our last visit in 2019 we waited very long. Unfortunately this year was not much better. The waiting time exceeded two hours, but the waiting time got rewarded. Martin 8 operated with an H145. During summertime they operate with an hoist, but not in winter time.



On request, the H125 (SA350 Écureuil) was moved outside as well. She wears commercial titels for 007 Elements; Sölden was one of the locations where the James Bond movie Spectre is recorded. Somewhere on the mountain, there is a permanent exposition.


Two years ago, this heliport and facilities have been completely renewed up to the new Heli Austria standard and look and feel. The mirror wall on the hangar door provides nice reflections.


Back to Sölden. Meanwhile Alpin2 made several missions. In addition there is a second EC135. This helicopter is only used to transport explosives to create avalanches pro-actively. Max payweight is 30 kg of explosives. Also this is the only EC135 of the OEAMTC who has a bubble window on the right side, so the pilot has a direct view of the operation.


Within a short while Alpin 2 departed for the next mission. In the afternoon we visited the heliport in Zams again. We were hoping for more visitors than the previous day. According to received information it should be busier on Sunday. In Austria they call these two weeks also the Holländer-Woche (week), because 60-70% of the patients are from other countries. It was rush hour. On her next mission Alpin 2 needed to re-locate from the hospital helideck because Martin 8 also had an emergency. Alpin 2 relocated to the C5 heliport and used the time to make a fuelstop.


Although Martin 8 is from a different company, they provided a lift to the doctor and the air rescuer from the hospital back to their helicopter. Great corporation!




Later in the afternoon Alpin 2 arrived for the 3rd time, but also Martin 2 from Karres. This is one of the two helicopters painted in the colors of the Red Cross.


Finally even Christophorus 1 from Innsbruck was requested to serve also in Tirol. They made a fuelstop before their return flight. It was a successful afternoon.


Monday 21st February
There are 3 heliports in Zillertal, but we only visited Hintertux. Usually, it is a location with a beautiful scenery. Because the wind was blowing heavily, the helicopter was still inside. After the social talk, we would like to photograph this helicopter outside. Meanwhile there was heavy snowfall, so this was not an option anymore. Otherwise, thousands of snowflakes needed to be photo shopped. So, the only option was to photograph inside the hangar. Also this machine was upgraded from T2 to T3.


On our way to the next destination, it was still snowing heavily. To continue our journey, we needed to cross two mountain passes. We decided to take a long break until the roads were clear to ensure we could reach the next destination safely. After the break, we continued to Matrei in Ost Tirol. Based here is Martin 4 with an AS355. Unfortunately in grey colors.


No time to waste, so up to Lienz / Nikolsdorf. Also this EC135 has been upgraded to T3. Fortunately the sun came out shortly, so we could make a decent picture of the Christophorus 7.


As we were facing delays during this day, we continued to our last destination, Nassfeld. The previous operator, Flymed, ceased their activities. Since December ARA 3 is operational with a German EC135. DRF is the mother company of ARA. The weather was still very grey. Fortunately, it snowed just prior to our arrival, so we had a bit of contrast.



Tuesday 22nd February
The morning started with fog. 1st Destination was Klagenfurt. Christophorus 11 was still inside and even the airport ramp was empty. It looked like we drove to Klagenfurt for nothing. We decided to wait for a short while and the sky was slightly getting clear. Finally, we were able to make pictures from Christophorus 11. The based helicopter was one of the two H135H(elionix). Mission accomplished.


Next destination was Alpin 1 at Patergassen. Our last visit was 10 years ago, but they were again flying with the same helicopter. Lucky this time with sunshine. After we made the static pictures, they were called for the 2nd mission. Good timing.


In the last years RK1 in Fresach exchanged the BK117 for the H145. So, it was time for a revisit. We needed to wait for a while, but it was rewarded with an arrival in sunshine.


This was our last visit at the southside of the Alps. We drove northbound towards the bad weather to Sankt Johann im Pongau. There were many fleet updates. The main target was the OE-XCC. This bird flew many years as OO-EMS. We waited several hours, but there was no mission.


It remained very cloudy. The second HEMS, Martin 10, operated with the second AS355 in the fleet. Also this helicopter remained on the ground.


The only flying activity was a test flight of the AS350.


Wednesday 23rd February
We left Austria and visited Christoph 1 in Munich, the oldest ADAC unit.


Next stop was Christoph Munich of DRF. This was another 5 blade H145. She left for a flight between two hospitals.


In the afternoon we scheduled to visit Airbus and started in Augsburg. There was not too much activity, except another 5 blade H145 for a customer in Georgia.


We continued to Donauworth. It was not too easy to photograph. Inside the fence the view was obstructed by closed canvas. In addition there were bushes and trees on the inside as well. Fortunately it was still winter, so we could find some holes between the trees for making pictures. By surprise we saw a Sea King without a rotor.


Also we spotted two NH90’s of the Marine and three NH90’s and a Tigre of the Heer.


On the civil area we spotted various H145’s. A 5 blade H145 was used for testing with an hoist.



Dry runs were made with an H145 destined for a customer in Chile.


Also a HEMS H145 for a French operator was towed.


On the way home we made a short stop in Dinkelsbuhl. This was the only new location during our trip. Based was Christoph 65 with an H135H(elionix) and she arrived in a nice afternoon sun.


Despite the Covid impact, the final conclusion was an interesting trip. The focus was to get as much as possible new helicopters, or upgrades of helicopters which have been photographed before. The weather was influenced heavily by the three storms blowing over western Europe.

Best regards,
Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
Posts: 831
Joined: 27 Jan 2013, 18:01
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Re: Wintertour helicopters - Austria February 2022

Post by VH3D »

Enjoyed the report as always! You've got some very nice catches.
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