27-9-21 i booked a flight and did a return trip Dinslaken-Norderney-Juist-Dinslaken. Flying time between Norderney and Juist only 3 minutes.

Because the flight was fully booked someone had to take the co-pilot seat, luckily that was me.

Being on the co pilot seat means also you can talk to the pilot and listen to the ATC, we had contact with the German Navy Sea King who was trying to contact Dutchmill to get to De Kooy for refuelling and then to the SAR meet in Koksijde. Dutchmill did not hear them but we did, so we passed on the information we had from the Sea King to Dutchmill. Our callsign was Funky

No skydiving today for this plane

The second island, Juist after landing:

A nice bonus was that we came across Twente and Stadtlohn were i was just a couple of days earlier, parked at AELS Airbus 318 G-EUNA British Airways almost scrapped and 1 Airbus 340 from Air Mauritius.