3 Virginia Airfields Trip - July 18 2021

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Scramble Die-Hard
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3 Virginia Airfields Trip - July 18 2021

Post by VH3D »

Hi All,

I took small road trip to visit 3 small airports in Virginia.

First stop was Warrenton-Fauquier Airport - HWY. Right there I've got ex USAF Rescue Grumman Albatross HU-16E N226GR "Splash"



Next stop was Culpeper Regional Airport - CJR Not much there, all the warbirds were in the hangar. The only other interesting item was PHI Health Bell 407 N494PH


From there I went onto Orange County Airport - OMH where there is big Skydiving club with Cessna 208 and DHC-6 Twin Otter.

Desert Sand Aircraft Cessna 208B N1259K
Skydive Spaceland DHC-6 Twin Otter N469TS



On the way back home in Manassas, Beech Queen Air 65 N5452W caught my attention as it was parked next to Wawa gas station.



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Re: 3 Virginia Airfields Trip - July 18 2021

Post by ehusmann »

That Beech in Manassas belongs to Aviation Institute of Maintenance, a technical school with also a Learjet and a few Cessnas. It is in the blue/white building visible on the second picture.
I guess that spot is kind of their gate guard. A few months ago Cessna 152 N757YU was seen outside at that spot.

Scramble Die-Hard
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Re: 3 Virginia Airfields Trip - July 18 2021

Post by VH3D »

Aviation Institute of Maintenance had 'Open House'. I guess that weekend they took few of their instructional frames outside to make a statement. It worked on me :) I went behind the building and saw rest of their 'fleet' including the Learjet. Unfortunately only couple of small frames could be photographed so I didn't bother.
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