Buchel 22-23 july, Spangdahlem 22 july - MIL

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Buchel 22-23 july, Spangdahlem 22 july - MIL

Post by zeeuwric »

Made a two day trip to Buchel on thursday and friday 22-23 july hoping to get all the six Italian Tornados and transport.
Buchel at thursday, first two of the four departing locals:

1. Local Tornado 45+64 Climbing out to the east, my position: 50.180085608460764, 7.077418612677973, using almost the full extend of my Sigma 150-600 C
Image5C5A2776 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

2. Local Tornado 46+07 carrying 2 racks of the well know blue practice bombs
Image5C5A2843 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

3. Local Spotters told me four tornados would head home this morning and two would fly a local mission. One of the Italian Arirfoce callsign Tornados climbing out. Love this four external tanks configuration btw, MM7081 6-57 :
Image5C5A3062 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

4. Also departing MM7054 6-100
Image5C5A3111 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

5. The recent Flash flooding of the Rheinland area is supported by the luftwaffe. Norvenich airbase, in the hart of the flooding area, is converted to a chopper support base suspending eurofighter jet operations completly. Buchel also chips in resulting in this NH90 79+12, which slided in beautifully and stayed for only 10 minutes:
Image5C5A3157 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

6. One of the returning Tornados MM7068 6-67, my position between the cornfields: 50.18597465145726, 7.077618953266368
Image5C5A3470 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr
Having all six italian tornados in one morning, yes i know, i decided to leave Buchel and follow my new dutch friend spotters to Spangdahlem to get lucky... Boy i was lucky: nothing happend from 1pm to 4pm!
Then 10 Vipers decided to go out for a short mission and come back before the National Anthem at 5pm.

7. Mean, clean and full of mission markings: 910402 SP (and new for my collection)
Image5C5A3744 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

8. 910416 SP performing several touch and go's and a high key approach:
Image5C5A3703 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr
After this, my ducth spotterfriends decided to leave for Ramstein. I decided to go to my hotel near Buchel but during the drive there i decide to go to Ramstein also because i have never been there, yolo right?. But when i got there there was zero jet noise or movement so decided to eat and drive back, yes i know.. 300 km drive.. for nothing..

Buchel Friday:
After a decent breakfast i decide to go and wait for the transport and the departure of the two final italian tornados. I met local spotter Lars again today. He was well informed, just like yesterday and no wonder as he was apping his friend, a Tornado pilot!
I learned the remaining two italian tornados left yesterday but a C-130 would arrive round 10.30. Also his pilot friend would take off in an hour. The pilot knew our position apparently.

9. Local 43+98, checking our position :
Image5C5A3816 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

10. Lars his Pilot friend waiving at us: Hang Loose!
Image5C5A4036 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

11. simply lovely, 45+69:
Image5C5A3875 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

12. very very simply lovely, 46+19 in my dream configuration:
Image5C5A4271 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

13. Round noon another NH90 (79+15) decided to drop in for a short stop:
Image5C5A4303 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

14. Finally the KC130J 46-44 arrived:
ImageIMG_7762 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

15. After waiting for 30 minutes on the runway trying to get the flightplan approved (several TRA's not approved yet) it finally left at 12:45.
Image5C5A4366 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr
With the help of local spotters and new made friends i had a blast for one and a half day.
Hope you like the report and pictures, Cheers Richard

Image5C5A3280 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr
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Re: Buchel 22-23 july, Spangdahlem 22 july - MIL

Post by seahawk12 »

Nice pictures Richard! Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Buchel 22-23 july, Spangdahlem 22 july - MIL

Post by Goldenflyer »

Nice report ! Thanks 8)
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