ETAR 05-09-2015
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- Scramble Senior
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ETAR 05-09-2015
Goodmorning people,
This weekend I will be visiting Ramstein for the 6th time. I have been trying to be around the base by foot en bike. However so far I have noticed that on the head of Runway 27 it's the best position to take photo's of the planes. You even have the option to walk towards the side where you are faced 180 degrees of the Airbase itself.
I do know there are other spotting area's. At the scramble page I have downloaded the lay-out. The =censored= thing is I could not find the other places.
Usually I stay in Alcatraz in K'town ( The American name for Kaiserlautern ). This time I am staying in Hotel America itself at Ramstein.
So my following questions:
1. What is the truth behind scanners at Ramstein US Airforce?
Because I hear so many rumors and I read so many =censored= on the web.. what is the truth of having a scanner at Ramstein US Airforce?
I have all the latest frequencies and I have perfect connection when I am on site. But as soon as I see a 4x4 SUV I put it away... so please does someone has a clear answer?
2. I know there is a spot where you can overlook the base. It's somewhere near a Itelian Pizzeria. Does anybody has a address?
I only know it's a tower, where you can overlook the base.
3. If I want to see the other side of runway 27 so then you are at runway 09. How do you get there? I have tried by bike to follow the road from runway 27 but I lost track... and it's a long long bike run. How do I get there by car from the MAIN gate ?
4. Do I have any oppertunaty of see things at the base at night? If yes, what is the best spot for the evening ?
5. Where can I see expections for that day ?
If you have any recommendations for a good bar in town or any other interesting things to see around the base please let me know.
If you also have any time windows or expections please feel free to share.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
This weekend I will be visiting Ramstein for the 6th time. I have been trying to be around the base by foot en bike. However so far I have noticed that on the head of Runway 27 it's the best position to take photo's of the planes. You even have the option to walk towards the side where you are faced 180 degrees of the Airbase itself.
I do know there are other spotting area's. At the scramble page I have downloaded the lay-out. The =censored= thing is I could not find the other places.
Usually I stay in Alcatraz in K'town ( The American name for Kaiserlautern ). This time I am staying in Hotel America itself at Ramstein.
So my following questions:
1. What is the truth behind scanners at Ramstein US Airforce?
Because I hear so many rumors and I read so many =censored= on the web.. what is the truth of having a scanner at Ramstein US Airforce?
I have all the latest frequencies and I have perfect connection when I am on site. But as soon as I see a 4x4 SUV I put it away... so please does someone has a clear answer?
2. I know there is a spot where you can overlook the base. It's somewhere near a Itelian Pizzeria. Does anybody has a address?
I only know it's a tower, where you can overlook the base.
3. If I want to see the other side of runway 27 so then you are at runway 09. How do you get there? I have tried by bike to follow the road from runway 27 but I lost track... and it's a long long bike run. How do I get there by car from the MAIN gate ?
4. Do I have any oppertunaty of see things at the base at night? If yes, what is the best spot for the evening ?
5. Where can I see expections for that day ?
If you have any recommendations for a good bar in town or any other interesting things to see around the base please let me know.
If you also have any time windows or expections please feel free to share.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
- Wijgert IJlst
- Scramble Addict
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Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
Kind Regards / Groeten,
Wijgert IJlst
Wijgert IJlst
- Scramble Senior
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- Type of spotter: MIL
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- Location: Castricum
Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
Thank you Wijgert, but this not answer my questions. The link I have print out a hundred times like months ago.
Can you answer a usefull answer on any of my questions please ?
Can you answer a usefull answer on any of my questions please ?
Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
Most answers really are contained in Wijgert's link. But, to really accomodate you, here's a list:
Q1: USAF does not prohibit the use of scanners, the german law does. However, it seems they aren't as strict nowadays. I regularly use a scanner at ETAR
Q2: the tower you ar elooking for is spot 9 at the scramble site, the spot near the Italian pizzeria is spot 6
Q3: park the car on the righthand side behind the roundabout, cycle towards the highway from the roundabout, you'll cross the runway ends
Q4: yes you'll see a lot of lights. There aren't a whole bunch of movements at night (let alone identify the serial) but you can always try...
Q5: expectations? You do know that it is an active military airfield of a country that's frequently involved in high profile wars? The best expectations are to be found in the Scramble forum...
Q1: USAF does not prohibit the use of scanners, the german law does. However, it seems they aren't as strict nowadays. I regularly use a scanner at ETAR
Q2: the tower you ar elooking for is spot 9 at the scramble site, the spot near the Italian pizzeria is spot 6
Q3: park the car on the righthand side behind the roundabout, cycle towards the highway from the roundabout, you'll cross the runway ends
Q4: yes you'll see a lot of lights. There aren't a whole bunch of movements at night (let alone identify the serial) but you can always try...
Q5: expectations? You do know that it is an active military airfield of a country that's frequently involved in high profile wars? The best expectations are to be found in the Scramble forum...
== All is well, as long as we keep spinning ==
- Nilson
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Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
another nice viewing point to overlook the airbase is:
Am Herrengärtchen, Melkerei Landstuhl
With some good bins (40x) all can be spot.
Am Herrengärtchen, Melkerei Landstuhl
With some good bins (40x) all can be spot.
life is good, but a good life is better
Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
In Dutch: German law on Scanners:Q1: USAF does not prohibit the use of scanners, the german law does. However, it seems they aren't as strict nowadays. I regularly use a scanner at ETAR
Basicly: Scanners are legal in Germany provided they have either CE , BZT or BMPT sign on the back. Not Allowed to listen to BOS traffic unless you have a lincense (Admittingly I forgot what this abbreivation means, but I believe this is TETRA network of their Police,Firebrigade and Ambulances)- Sinds 1992 is er in Duitsland practisch geen beperking meer voor wat het frequentiebereik betreft van communicatie-ontvangers, waaronder scanners.
Enige voorwaarde is dat het apparaat is gemachtigd voor Duitsland. Een van de volgende tekens moet er dan op staan: CE-teken, BZT-teken of het BMPT-teken.
- BOS-communicatie (politie, ambulance, brandweer, e.d.) mag alleen worden ontvangen door personen met een BOS-machtiging. Wie toch per ongeluk BOS-communicatie ontvangt mag de inhoud van die gesprekken niet aan derden doorgeven.
- Wordt U aangetroffen met niet toegestane frequenties in het geheugen, dan bent U in principe strafbaar.
- Een scanner zonder batterijen in de koffer is niet gebruiksklaar en kan zonder problemen op doorreis worden meegenomen.
- Wie deze regels van de FAG en StGB overtreed en zonder toestemming luistert naar BOS-communicatie, maakt zich strafbaar en loopt het gevaar met geld- of gevangenis beboet teworden.
If you do unintentionaly receive BOS traffic you are not allowed to share it with a third party.
Admittingly I do not have a official source, this was just a search on several scannerforums.
- Scramble Rookie
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Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
Last Thursday I was at Ramstein. While walking towards 'spot 5' I was stopped by the police. After the usual ID-check, the officer warned me that radio scanners weren't allowed to be used by German law (although he mentioned that having one was not a problem)and that now he had warned me, the fine linked in the usage of a scanner became higher...
What to expect:
Just check-out the better fora (Scramble, Flugzeugforum, ...) but even facebook can help. Most CONUS, PACIFIC, USAFE airbases which got transporters as based airplanes, have a facebook page called "Passenger Terminal" (like Ramstein Passenger Terminal) These pages are in use to find a free seat on regular flights. You'll find some departure times on it and where they're heading to.
For the rest; it's always a gamble. In februari this year, I saw 3 movements during 7 hours of spotting while I once had 12 C-17 (3 departing and 9 arriving) in 28 minutes...
Hope it helps a bit? Good luck!
Last Thursday I was at Ramstein. While walking towards 'spot 5' I was stopped by the police. After the usual ID-check, the officer warned me that radio scanners weren't allowed to be used by German law (although he mentioned that having one was not a problem)and that now he had warned me, the fine linked in the usage of a scanner became higher...
What to expect:
Just check-out the better fora (Scramble, Flugzeugforum, ...) but even facebook can help. Most CONUS, PACIFIC, USAFE airbases which got transporters as based airplanes, have a facebook page called "Passenger Terminal" (like Ramstein Passenger Terminal) These pages are in use to find a free seat on regular flights. You'll find some departure times on it and where they're heading to.
For the rest; it's always a gamble. In februari this year, I saw 3 movements during 7 hours of spotting while I once had 12 C-17 (3 departing and 9 arriving) in 28 minutes...
Hope it helps a bit? Good luck!
Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
Possessing a scanner is legal in Germany. BUT: You are not allowed to listen to transmissions, which are not addressed to you. So listening to 'normal' radio is okay, also ham radio, CB-radio, etc.
If the German police will caught you in the act, (e.g. listening to airband) you have a big, big problem.
If the German police will caught you in the act, (e.g. listening to airband) you have a big, big problem.
- Gerard
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Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
Correct! I know a person who was fined 800€ a couple of months ago!USAFE wrote:If the German police will caught you in the act, (e.g. listening to airband) you have a big, big problem.
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o ++ O ++ o
Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
Now, BirdieBarty, you have all the information you needed. Did these 'usefull answers' help? (It would be nice to show at least some appreciation, you know...)
== All is well, as long as we keep spinning ==
- Wijgert IJlst
- Scramble Addict
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- Joined: 06 Sep 2002, 08:57
- Type of spotter: F2
- Subscriber Scramble: Wijgert IJlst
Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
This pages answers your questions 2, 3, 4 and 5 (related to the time window) I'm glad that I could be such a help! Any time...BirdieBarty wrote:Thank you Wijgert, but this not answer my questions. The link I have print out a hundred times like months ago.
Can you answer a usefull answer on any of my questions please ?
Hope you have a nice time at Ramstein this Saterday.
Kind Regards / Groeten,
Wijgert IJlst
Wijgert IJlst
- Gerard
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- Posts: 3944
- Joined: 25 Feb 2007, 20:00
- Subscriber Scramble: Jawohl
- Location: 9.9NM NE of Büdingen AAF (closed)
Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
And for an answer to question 1, see here:
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o ++ O ++ o
- Scramble Junior
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- Subscriber Scramble: Guus Geluk
Re: ETAR 05-09-2015
Seen between 0800 and 1640
94-0067 C-17A "Stewart"
00-0181 C-17A "Martinsburg"
05-5144 C-17A "March"
06-6160 C-17A "Travis"
07-7179 C-17A Travis"
06-3171 C-130J-30 "Dyess"
08-3172 C-130J-30 "Dyess"
08-5675 C-130J-30 "Dyess"
08-8607/RS C-130J-30 (and departed)
84-0188 KC-10A "McGuire"
04-4133 C-17A "McGuire"
09-9205 C-17A "Charleston"
84-0085 C-21A (and arrived)
11-5752 C-130J-30 "The Rock"
86-0020? C-5 "Dover"
08-5683 C-130J-30 "Dyess"
11-5748 C-130J-30 "The Rock"
+ a bunch of local hercs
94-0067 C-17A "Stewart"
00-0181 C-17A "Martinsburg"
05-5144 C-17A "March"
06-6160 C-17A "Travis"
07-7179 C-17A Travis"
06-3171 C-130J-30 "Dyess"
08-3172 C-130J-30 "Dyess"
08-5675 C-130J-30 "Dyess"
08-8607/RS C-130J-30 (and departed)
84-0188 KC-10A "McGuire"
04-4133 C-17A "McGuire"
09-9205 C-17A "Charleston"
84-0085 C-21A (and arrived)
11-5752 C-130J-30 "The Rock"
86-0020? C-5 "Dover"
08-5683 C-130J-30 "Dyess"
11-5748 C-130J-30 "The Rock"
+ a bunch of local hercs