Search found 12 matches
- 28 Apr 2012, 00:28
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 27/04/2012
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7420
Re: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 27/04/2012
@Fisher Thanks for the comment! @Planecrazy, First of all, thanks for the comment! Most of my images I shoot at maximum 400-450mm. At 500mm the edges aren't sharp anymore. But with a lot of zoom lenses you get the same. At the end of the zoom they go blury. Take a look at the EXIF and you'll see tha...
- 27 Apr 2012, 23:32
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 25/04/2012
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5442
Re: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 25/04/2012
Another one from de 25th of april.
We weren't the only one spotting! There were some deers on the field...........they had a much better place than us

We weren't the only one spotting! There were some deers on the field...........they had a much better place than us

- 27 Apr 2012, 23:20
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 27/04/2012
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7420
Re: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 27/04/2012
We stood at the 06 for the whole day, with some nice results. Polish Airforce taking off to go home. Finnish Airforce F-18 taking off to go home.
- 27 Apr 2012, 08:22
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 26/04/2012
- Replies: 20
- Views: 7738
Re: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 26/04/2012
Some different angles from thusday 26th off april. http://i96...
- 25 Apr 2012, 20:18
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 25/04/2012
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5442
Re: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 25/04/2012
Some take-off pictures from my side. http://i966.photobucket.c...
- 24 Apr 2012, 21:50
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 24/04/2012
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3473
Re: EHLW/Leeuwarden AFB - Frisian Flag - 24/04/2012
Some photos I took today at EHLW 1. 2. 3. http://i966.photobuc...
- 22 Apr 2012, 22:40
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: EHLW-Leeuwarden AFB / Frisian Flag / 18-04-2012
- Replies: 20
- Views: 8359
Re: EHLW-Leeuwarden AFB / Frisian Flag / 18-04-2012
I've got some pictures from the afternoon wave in which the Norwegian Viper 277 just his parachute. The pictures have some heathaze on them, because he was very far on the runway. I hope you meant this pictures.
- 22 Apr 2012, 22:30
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: leeuwarden Frisian flag 19-04 from the inside
- Replies: 16
- Views: 6740
Re: leeuwarden Frisian flag 19-04 from the inside
Thanks for the comments, guys!
- 22 Apr 2012, 15:56
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: leeuwarden Frisian flag 19-04 from the inside
- Replies: 16
- Views: 6740
Re: leeuwarden Frisian flag 19-04 from the inside
And what goes up must come down..... h...
- 22 Apr 2012, 00:55
- Forum: Leeuwarden
- Topic: EHLW 17-04-12
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3290
Re: EHLW 17-04-12
De eerste 2 EF2000's van de Duitsers waren respectievelijk de 30+79 en de 30+78H. van Eupen wrote:Iemand de serials van de Duitse Typhoons van de ochtendmissie (mn. laatste 2 kisten die binnenkwamen)?
De 2 laatste EF2000's van de Duitsers betroffen respectievelijk de 30+66 en de 30+76.
- 21 Apr 2012, 15:03
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: leeuwarden Frisian flag 19-04 from the inside
- Replies: 16
- Views: 6740
Re: leeuwarden Frisian flag 19-04 from the inside
Some more pictures from take-off. 10. 11.
- 21 Apr 2012, 11:31
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: leeuwarden Frisian flag 19-04 from the inside
- Replies: 16
- Views: 6740
Re: leeuwarden Frisian flag 19-04 from the inside
I also was one of the lucky people to visit te base with the AGL. Thanks to them and also to the KLu and Airbase Leeuwarden to make it possible for us enthousiast to visit the base. Here are some take-off shots I've made. 1.