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by Hornet69
14 Apr 2015, 17:15
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: EHLW 14-04-2015
Replies: 27
Views: 7227

Re: EHLW 14-04-2015

Roberto wrote:Vanmiddag 6 Eagles op de noord lijn en 6 airborne, oftewel de 023 is weer gerepareerd
Ik ben vandaag niet op Leeuwarden geweest maar betekende dit dat vandaag vanaf 27-09 is gevlogen? Zou wel gaaf zijn want dat biedt fotografisch betere mogelijkheden. Vooral aan de 09 kant.
by Hornet69
11 Apr 2015, 16:50
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: EHLW 10-04-2015 MIL
Replies: 68
Views: 22330

Re: EHLW 10-04-2015 MIL

Stomme vraag: dit weekend gebeurd er helemaal niks? Frisian Flag start maandag 13 april en is afgelopen vrijdag 24 april. Iedere werkdag (dus niet in het weekend) twee "waves" van circa 32 tot 36 vliegtuigen, ochtend tussen circa 09.30 uur - 12.00 uur en middag tussen circa 13.30 uur en 1...
by Hornet69
11 Apr 2015, 16:37
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: NATO Tiger Meet Spotters Days 7,8 May
Replies: 82
Views: 34196

Re: NATO Tiger Meet Spotters Days,32.562,15/2015.05.07/11:43 Do not forget to switch to satellite view. Mornings will be okee until about 11.30.After that enjoy the food and drink stands. I am more worried about the cancellations and no shows. We will see what shows up and what not. Who knows what kind ...
by Hornet69
10 Apr 2015, 22:35
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: Frisian Flag foreign fighters @ Leeuwarden (LWD/EHLW)
Replies: 10
Views: 5235

Re: Frisian Flag foreign fighters @ Leeuwarden (LWD/EHLW)

Sorry for the mistake. Indeed 6. Two polish Falcons missed their approach so that is why 8 was in my mind :oops:
by Hornet69
10 Apr 2015, 22:15
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: Frisian Flag foreign fighters @ Leeuwarden (LWD/EHLW)
Replies: 10
Views: 5235

Re: Frisian Flag foreign fighters @ Leeuwarden (LWD/EHLW)

There are 8 polish Falcons present at Leeuwarden, not 6. Also six Volkel Falcons arrived. Can't help you on the missing numbers. So 48 guest aircraft present at Leeuwarden. Parked at the north side are the Eagles, flightline. And the Volkel Falcons which are parked in shelters. Other guests all park...
by Hornet69
10 Apr 2015, 20:05
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: FF15 Runway 27 fields are off limits
Replies: 156
Views: 43064

Re: FF15 Runway 27 fields are off limits

Vandaag wat foto's gemaakt vanaf het oude spoorlijntje. Ik ben ten westen van de provinciale weg gaan staan. Je hebt hier echt flink wat mm nodig om de fighters beeldvullend te krijgen. Twee plaatjes, genomen met een 300mm F4 lens en 1.4 TC + heel veel crop. Omgerekend kom ik uit zo tussen de 700 en...
by Hornet69
08 Apr 2015, 17:16
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: FF15 Runway 27 fields are off limits
Replies: 156
Views: 43064

Re: FF15 Runway 27 fields are off limits

400mm is ok. 300mm ok also ,[maar dan heb je ze wat meer van onderen]. Hoi Maki, bedankt voor je snelle antwoord. Ik heb geen ervaring met het fotograferen vanaf het "oude" spoor. Maar kijk ik op het kaartje dan lijkt me dit meer dan 400 mm op een Full Frame camera voor een opname F-16 ra...
by Hornet69
08 Apr 2015, 11:31
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: FF15 Runway 27 fields are off limits
Replies: 156
Views: 43064

Re: FF15 Runway 27 fields are off limits

Red areas are off limits, all in front of the runways. Point 1/2: stay near the road N357 (or on the old railroad track like some people like to do) point 4: Spottershill and fields west of the hill are accessible, but NOT in front of runway 05. Also don't go in the fields east of the spottershill ...
by Hornet69
05 Apr 2015, 17:40
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: OR ANG F-15 Eagles.........
Replies: 9
Views: 6098

Re: OR ANG F-15 Eagles.........

Oregon ANG has two units flying F15C/D:

142 FW / 123 FS, based at Portland;

173 FW / 114 FS, based at Klamath Falls;

Present at Leeuwarden are 6 Eagles from Portland. Together with 6 Eagles from 125 FW / 159 FS, based at Jacksonville, Florida.
by Hornet69
05 Apr 2015, 11:01
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Kleine Brogel spottersday, Sanicole 19.20 Sept2015
Replies: 81
Views: 31463

Re: Belgium Sanicole Airshow sept2015: Suisse, other display

A spotterday will be organized on saturday 19th September.

The flying days for Sanicole airshow are friday 18 September (sunset show) and sunday 20 September. I do not know if there will be flying activity on the spotterday itself.

Link to spotterday:
by Hornet69
05 Apr 2015, 08:52
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: NATO Tiger Meet Spotters Days 7,8 May
Replies: 82
Views: 34196

Re: NATO Tiger Meet Spotters Days

the Anatolian Eagle exercise at the SAME base (Konya) is having a 3 day's spottersdag. So don't get it WHAT would be the problem for the 192Filo to have one during NTM'15.... What I have heard from the turkish authorities that they first see how many spotters want to visit the Anatolian Eagle exerc...
by Hornet69
29 Mar 2015, 12:45
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: FF15 Runway 27 fields are off limits
Replies: 156
Views: 43064

Re: FF15 Runway 27 fields are off limits

Jammer dat het zo moet. Fotograferen aan 27 wanneer 23 in gebruik levert leuke plaatjes op.

Hoe zit het aan de 09 kant? Mag je daar wel langs het hek staan? Volgens mij loopt er een pad naar toe.

Ik ben benieuwd.
by Hornet69
15 Mar 2015, 17:20
Forum: Spotting Germany
Topic: Wittmund (ETNT) 2015 MIL
Replies: 18
Views: 7976

Re: Wittmund (ETNT) 2015 MIL

How many A4's are already based here now from Discovery Air? There should be 10 in total. Already at Wittmund four Skyhawks. Total expected seven (not ten). With the arrival of this one today, still two to go. The contract for Discovery Air last until 2020. C-FGZH/534; C-FGZE/495; C-FGZD/367; C-FGZ...
by Hornet69
13 Mar 2015, 14:29
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: Frisian Flag 2015
Replies: 93
Views: 49134

Re: Frisian Flag 2015

Is that a guess or from a reliable source? I heard these numbers from a friend. And he got this info from somebody he knows within the DoD. So is it a guess or from a reliable source? The only thing i can say, in the past this friend turned out to be reliable. ...but at the end it is for you to dec...
by Hornet69
11 Mar 2015, 10:41
Forum: Leeuwarden
Topic: Frisian Flag 2015
Replies: 93
Views: 49134

Re: Frisian Flag 2015

Stefan wrote:So, we end up with:

Dutch F-16s - (8 or 10)
Finnish F-18s - (5)
German EF2000s - (10)
Polish F-16s - (6)
Spanish F-18s - (6)
American F-15s - (12)

And those who are interested in how many of each? The numbers I added between ().