The lucky number is 69033, ETD still not known to me.
I personaly think the visit of this bird has something to do with preparations for the Tukish Stars demo at the upcomming opendays.
A Turkish C-160 is surely NOT a usual visitor for Volkel AB.
Ps.Thanx to the man at the fence, Franky
Search found 4 matches
- 24 May 2007, 14:02
- Forum: Spotting Netherlands
- Topic: Volkel (EHVK/UDE) - 2007
- Replies: 163
- Views: 72088
- 24 May 2007, 13:54
- Forum: Spotting Netherlands
- Topic: Volkel (EHVK/UDE) - 2007
- Replies: 163
- Views: 72088
Volkel 24-5 C-160 Turkish Airforce
Just arrived (13:33LT) at Volkel is a C-160 from the Turkish Airforce
Serial and ETD unfotunatly not known to me yet.
Serial and ETD unfotunatly not known to me yet.
- 06 Apr 2007, 20:23
- Forum: Spotting Netherlands
- Topic: Volkel (EHVK/UDE) - 2007
- Replies: 163
- Views: 72088
- 14 Mar 2007, 08:42
- Forum: Eindhoven
- Topic: Eindhoven (EHEH/EHV) - 2007
- Replies: 753
- Views: 237788
Exp. 14-3
Expected 14-3-2007
C-130 Hellenic AF
ETA 11:00
ETD ??:??
Credit: Spotting Group Volkel MB
C-130 Hellenic AF
ETA 11:00
ETD ??:??
Credit: Spotting Group Volkel MB