Search found 225 matches

by Eagledriver 32
05 Feb 2008, 19:33
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: EHSB 04-02-08
Replies: 14
Views: 4381

VinFlyer wrote:Glad to see pictures of much better quality here :D
I'm glad to see this pictures from the bakermat. These moments are history in the future!
by Eagledriver 32
14 Oct 2007, 12:40
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: Bolivian AF 50yrs Air Show
Replies: 17
Views: 10201


Canberra, you're a lucky son off a B... wathever!

Very nice!

by Eagledriver 32
22 Sep 2007, 16:44
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: market garden ehsb
Replies: 27
Views: 11702

Purple wrote:Overhead the dropzone @ Ginkelseheide;

Hi Purple,

In wich sequence they flew over the 'Ginkelse Heide'. What were the last two?

Thanks, Ewald
by Eagledriver 32
31 Aug 2007, 13:51
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: wie wat waar vliegt daar - 2007
Replies: 331
Views: 97537

Now, 13:47LT overhead Ede again a UH-1. Same one like yesterday?
Its flying from the north in the direction of Veenendaal.

greetz Ewald
by Eagledriver 32
24 Jul 2007, 12:06
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: De Kooy (EHKD/DHR) - 2007
Replies: 322
Views: 96235

Which Alpha Jet took of friday afternoon for a demo above Texel?

Thanks Ewald
by Eagledriver 32
22 Jul 2007, 20:22
Forum: Spotting Belgium & Luxembourg
Topic: Kleine Brogel (EBBL) - 2007
Replies: 126
Views: 57207

A request....

Friday before the airshow at Texel an AlphaJet made a practice demo in bad weather. Wich one departed from KeeBee?
After that two F-18´s were above Texel.
Were these the two from Kleine Brogel? (C15-27/15-14 and C15-28/15-15)

Thanks a lot!!!

greetz Ewald
by Eagledriver 32
17 Jul 2007, 22:11
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Axalp 10/11 October
Replies: 50
Views: 28550

Okay, this usefull info for me,

Thank you very much! Ewald
by Eagledriver 32
14 Jul 2007, 13:36
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Axalp 10/11 October
Replies: 50
Views: 28550

Axalp 10/11 October

Were can I find some info of the Air Power Demo in Axalp next October? We´ve planned to go there but there is (yet) not too much info. What are the exact dates of the demo. I only can find that it takes from 8 till 11 october with the 12th as a reserve day. How long does it take to reach the 3 spots...
by Eagledriver 32
28 Jun 2007, 20:30
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Volkel (EHVK/UDE) - 2007
Replies: 163
Views: 67825

Req: 28 juni 2007

Er vloog een 2-ship fighters over Volkel richting het zuiden rond de klok van 12:30 uur LT. Wat en wie waren dat?
Ik was té ver om het goed te zien, volgens mij zeker geen F-16´s en volgens mij was Volkel vandaag ook gesloten.

Thanks Ewald
by Eagledriver 32
23 Jun 2007, 14:25
Forum: Aviation Photos - Thematic & non-actual
Topic: some old 80's pics of Soesterberg AB.
Replies: 1173
Views: 587861

Some of mine

july, 27th of 1994 some Drankens, a Lansen and a Hercules came in to refuel for the IAT. Here 32512/03 [img]<a><img%20src=""%20border="0"%20alt="Photo%20Sharing%20and%20Video%20Hosting%20at%20Photobucket"...
by Eagledriver 32
18 Jun 2007, 20:48
Forum: Photography
Topic: Hoeveel megapixel is 'genoeg'
Replies: 22
Views: 7569

Iwan Bogels wrote:Misschien moet je je wel afvragen wat ze nog gaan uitvinden waar we nu niet bij stil staan. 3D fotografie ? Of nog extremer ?
Misschien leuk om eens naar te kijken: stereofotografie.
Bestaat al heel lang.

greetz Ewald
by Eagledriver 32
23 May 2007, 19:21
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Volkel (EHVK/UDE) - 2007
Replies: 163
Views: 67825

Req: morning Log Volkel 23-mei

Was vandaag in de buurt van Volkel en zag rond de klok van 10:45-11:00 een grote kist in de landing van Volkel. Wat was dat, en wie (serial) was dat?

Tanks! Ewald
by Eagledriver 32
05 Apr 2007, 20:19
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Volkel (EHVK/UDE) - 2007
Replies: 163
Views: 67825

Found the following in the SIS updates Op vrijdag 20 april organiseert de klu (ivm met een wervingsactie) een race op Volkel tussen een F-16 en de formule 1 wagen van spyker. Dit zal zijn tussen 13.00 en 16.45 uur. Verdere gegevens over toegang van personen weet ik nog niks van. Het gehele veld hee...
by Eagledriver 32
15 Nov 2006, 14:48
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: laag, lager, laagst
Replies: 1095
Views: 413350

Re: Greek airforce F4 Phantom 3 feet over the sea

Eagledriver 32 wrote:Weet niet of deze al genoemd is.... ... md13/1159/

sorry, stond er al op.